Welcome to all who pass by this Way....
Bet Hashem Midrash is a house manifesting the totality of Alphah/Alef to Taúwah/Taw, ta of the Wisdom of Understanding to obtain Knowledge. Materials are free to download for the purpose to illuminate your Name’s dwelling, as your body is your appointed Academy. Our commitment of mission is to assist one another in our voyages.
Through intentional pursuits, being a living sacrifice, with patience and endurance in the Ketav Levunah—Writings of Light, aka the White Text of the ancient Hebrew scripts, one actualizes their kingdom within, to obtain the Mind/Head of meShiæch/Messiah and the goodness of dwelling together in unity/oneness. For this purpose appears this collection of materials and discourses of the BetHaShemMidrash.
You may be familiar with such texts as:
"The kingdom of God is within us.."
"We have this treasure hidden within earthen vessels..."
"How good it is to dwell together in unity..."
"Let this mind be in us that is in Messiah..."
"The Messiah in you the hope of glory..."
"Be not conformed to this world; be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."
"Great is the mystery, Messiah/The OIL of the Fathers' manifested in flesh..."
"To one that overcomes I give to eat of hidden manna, and a white stone, and in the Stone a re-newed Name"....
The path of the just is as a shinning light that shines more and more unto the perfect day your seventh mature period of Wisdom and Understandings. Not as though we have already attained, neither are we already perfect, but we follow after the Anointing, forgetting those things which are behind, we press toward the mark, for the prize of the HIGH CALL of ALHHIM (Gods) in Yahushúo, The Embodiment of Oil/Anointings of the Fathers. These sayings, as parables, are unlocked via Writings of Light to be understood in higher frequencies, resulting in an actualization of your Name’s reality.
YæHH builds the House of our Name on Seven Pillars of ALhhim—Utterances of Seven Colours.
Welcome to the provisional promises of a Word-State Land flowing with milk/nourishment and honey/sweetness!
- Meshaqqah Ben Qahhath, a Levite of Kohath.
With pleasure we embrace your path to connect to ours. Information on these pages contains teachings from the origins of the Kuwahnim—serving illuminators/cohanim. We are collectively indebted to the hands that have contributed to make this site available. There are levels of Understanding upon these pages as the material has spanned many years and paradigms. However, the threads woven are from one level to another to abide peaceably together in one fabrique.
An Understanding of the Word base of Numbers of HhaKuwahnim brings clarity to how words are read. The purity of the tongue is of utmost importance, not only in how a word or thought is rendered or translated, but the level of Intelligence in which it is uttered. The vibratory sounds and frequencies of the Letters correspond to the Numbers within them. A foundation to receive the Numbers and the Letters is laid first in order that the ears are attuned to their Voice. Your eyes first behold the Letters and their foundational Numbers to enable you to listen more intently to the Words of ALhhim.
On the site are various ways that a word is spelled or rendered in the translations, from common usage to a current awareness of rendering a Word by perfect ratios. In beholding these renderings or spellings of the words one notes how a thought is being carried or transmitted through the Letters and sounds. We aim to render the thoughts with Letters that equate to their inherent numerical values, keeping in mind that the use of foreign letters in vernacular tongues perishes with the world. Therefore, the focus is on Invisible Numerical Thoughts which have no end, as they appear as myriad formulations in HhaALhhim/The Utterances of Letters. As you scan and delve into the pages of information, allow the thoughts of Light to ride above the forms in which they are carried, lest the forms catch the eye and the heart fails to connect to the truth being conveyed. If you are interested in word formations and spellings, consult the first part of the Teúwrah/Torah Dictionary for further elaboration to grasp a better Understanding on the developments within the Midrash in how a Thought of HhaTeúwrah/The Torah is being carried in these forms of communications.
Some of the earlier documents are transcriptions from audio tapes. Those present during the meetings made comments during the recordings. The comments of those present express the level of their perception and orientation to the delivery, which may or may not coincide with the thoughts being presented. The transcriber of the audio tapes attempted to distinguish the voice of those speaking on the tape; however, this has not been perceived, and has caused some questions as to the teachings coming from the Midrash. As resources permit, these notes will be clarified or deleted.
Materials presented on this site are reserved by Bet HaShem Midrash. Please obtain written permission from BHM for the duplication, redistribution, or retransmission of these resources. Of course, share freely.
Best regards in your pursuit of Ancient Paths.
For further information, see Orientation Information.