

destruction (abaddon)

Notaricon: to diminish/a a household's/b opportunities/d with a fixed/w determination/n; to interfere/a with a soul's/b contemplations/d of just/balanced/w purpose/n; to pressure/a a soul/b for decisions/d while debating/w potentialities/n; animosity/a as an acceptable/b emotion/d when weighing/w possibilities/n.

Gematria: 63/gs: stressful motivations.
Numerological Value: 27/
zk: evidence of the sword.

Targum: to oppose fair (36/wl) solutions (9/f) to conflicts (9/f) with provocative harassment (36/wl).

See destroy/dba; destruction/hdba; destruction/ndba.
Compare destroy/tjc.

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