

Abel (aval, avale, ehvel)
indeed, truly; but, however; to mourn, lament; to fade, perish, wither, languish; to be sorry, regretful; a pasture, meadow, field, plain; river, stream.

Notaricon: an individual/a who interiorizes/b instruction/l; perceptions/a formulate/b and guide/l; seeing/a and hearing/b provide direction/l; expansion or contraction/a in response/b to instruction/l; an increase or diminishment/a of consciousness/b that redirects/l; to attune/a the ear/b to the Teacher/l; concepts/a that are hidden/illusive/b discourage/l; the unruly/a habitats/b of a shepherd/l.

Gematria: 33/gl: instructional processes.
Numerological Value: 15/
hy: the ability to discern.

Temurah: alb/without.

Targum: 6/w: pivoting.

Compare Abel/lbh (son of Adam); stream/lbwa.
See mourn/
dps; plain/huqb; valley/auqb.

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