hlwjm lba


Abel-mecholah; Meadow/
lba of Dancing/hlwjm; plain/lba of pardoning/hlwjm.

Notaricon: an intervention/a within the conscience/b leads/l to the unfettered/m joy/j that reinforces/w mature/l discernment/h; fervor/a within the soul/b prompts changes in direction/l conducive/m to enthusiastic/j adoration in tandem with/w corrective/l winnowing/h.

Gematria: 122/bkq: purifying upheavals within the soul.
Numerological Value: 86/
wp: manifestations of worship.

Targum: catharsis (5/h) brings an opportunity (14/dy) to acknowledge influences (23/gk) that limit the soul (32/bl) to superficial perceptions (41/am) due to irritation and depression (68/js) by empowering an appreciation (68/js) of nebulous perceptions (41/am) and by encouraging introspection (32/bl) for the overthrow and elimination (23/gk) debilitating pain (14/dy) and sorrow (5/h).

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