rzuh nba


Ebenezer (Ehben haEzer)
Eben-ezer; stone/
nba of/h help/rzu.

Notaricon: the Life Force/a within/b extends/n enlightened/h understandings/u that satisfy/z the intellect/r; a focus/a which formulates/b nuanced/n discernments/h to overcome/u the statements/z of adversaries/r.

Gematria: 335/hlc: wisdom points to enlightenment.
Numerological Value: 65/
hs: empowering discernment.

Targum: interiorization (2/b) utilizes focus (11/ay) to alter perspective (38/jl) for the neutralization of difficult (56/wn) challenges by subverting (83/gp) arguments and undermining (83/gp) the proclivities to resist (56/wn) changes in outlooks (38/jl), behaviors, principles, (11/ay) and receptivity (2/b).

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