

boil (avabuah)
pustule; blemish; inflammations: boils, pimples, etc.

Notaricon: eruptions/a from within/b body openings/u that develop/b a brightness/u and burst/h; focused/a awareness/b and understanding/u that develop/b into keen/u discernment/h.

Gematria: 150/nq: purified by suction.
Numerological Value: 42/
bm: cleansing the body.

Targum: deliberations (6/w) that excite friction (15/hy) and erupt into pointed (24/dk) exchanges of animosity (51/an) and vexation (60/s) which bristle (60/s) suddenly into anger (51/an), in evidence of pain (24/dk) that impedes both discernment (15/hy) and reconciliation (6/w).

See blains/tububa.

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