

Abiasaph (Aviasaf)
y Father/ba takes away/gathers/psa.

Notaricon: the Life Force/a within/b encourages/y unity/a to empower/s the soul's expression/p; limited/a awareness/b incites/y an individual/a to exceed/s his limits/p; intense/a interiorization/b brings/y ideas/a to their full expression/p; an individual/a who accepts/b that irritation/y and animosity/a strengthen/s the personality/soul/p.

Gematria: 154/dnq: a careful, interior application of insights.
Numerological Value: 46/
hm: soothing purification.

Targum: the Life Force (1/a) bestows (10/y) blessings through specific (19/fy) eventualities that both highlight (55/hn) and warn of emotional (64/ds) tumult and animosity (91/ax), transforming the individual (91/ax) through empowering insights (64/ds) that result in enlightened (55/hn) actions that resolve (19/fy) and eliminate (10/y) antagonism (1/a).

Compare Ebiasaph/psyba.

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