

Abida (Avidah)
Abidah; Father/
ba knows/udy; Father/ba is known/udy; my/y Father/ba is understanding/ud.

Notaricon: the Life Force/a heeds/b the activity/y within the heart/d and understands/u; the Lord/a formulates/b blessings/y with insight/d and understanding/u; focused/a introspection/b eliminates/y obstacles/d to receptivity/u.

Gematria: 87/zp: utterances of Perfection.
Numerological Value: 33/
gl: the instructional process.

Targum: judgments (6/w) stimulate discernment (15/hy) and provide catharsis (15/hy) because of their fairness (6/w).

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