

Abigail (Avigale)
y Father/ba is a delight/gladness/joy/lg.

Notaricon: the Life Force/a formulates/b blessings/y that transcend/g the benefits/y of maturity/l; concepts/a are embraced/b to activate/y processes/g that result/y in corrective change/l; the Expansive Force/a within the soul/b that instigates/y the elevations/aliyahs/g that motivate/y and encourage/l.

Gematria: 56/wn: a Son of Man worships.
Numerological Value: 38/
jl: mature exaltation.

Targum: the soul (2/b) receives seed/concepts (11/ay) and responds with fervent (11/ay) awareness (2/b).

See Abigal/lgyba.

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