

to grieve (adav)
to sadden, make sorrowful, aggrieve; to be polite.

Notaricon: to assault/a the heart/d and soul/b; to curtail/a insights/d through unruliness/b; to narrow/a perceptions/d and consciousness/b; to limit/a opportunities/d for development/b; to introduce friction/a that divides/d households/b; accuracy/a of perception/d through interiorization/b.

Gematria and Numerological Value: 7/z: to slay.

Temurah: dba/destroy, adb/invent/feign, bad/sorrow/pine, abd/overflow.

Targum: troubling (7/z) words (7/z) oppress (7/z) the will (7/z).

See vapor/da.

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