

troop (aggudah)
I shall become/
a Gad's/dg amplification/emanation/proliferation/h; association, society, group; I shall become/a the shoreline/hdg; fascine, bundle, package, pack; match, faggot; celestial vault; legend, tale, fable, myth, yarn, story.

Notaricon: individuals/a whose movements/g thrill/d and inflame/h; bundled/a sticks/g as a wall/d against weather/h; humanity/a rises/g through gateways/d of light/h; spark/a generator/g for the tent's/d light/h; perception/a of transcendent/g insights/d are made visible/written down/h.

Gematria and Numerological Value: 13/gy: the act of transcendence.

Targum: opportunity (4/d) through insight (4/d).

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