

reward (iggera)
fee, pay; I will/
a harvest/collect/rga.

Notaricon: a specific/a remuneration/g rewarded/r to an individual/a; a concept/a that is transmitted/g with authority/r and power/a.

grain/a felled/g by a scythe/r; to isolate/a, transport/g, and commandeer/r; the extensive/a deposits/g of a king/r; concepts/a progressing/g towards knowledge/r.

Gematria: 205/hr: the mind discovers
Numerological Value: 25/
hk: largess distribution.

Targum: an expenditure (7/z) resulting from an agreed-upon (52/bn) understanding (70/u) that fulfills (70/u) the promise of both claim (52/bn) and obligation (7/z).

See harvest/rga.

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