

Haakashtari (achashtariy)
h) courier/yrtcja; a companion/ja who transports/rtc what is mine/y; servant of the Persian king/crcja.

Notaricon: individual/a whose service/j is to widen/promulgate/c dictums/edicts/t bearing the king's/r signature/y.

Gematria, 919/fyqtt: token of total control at the hands of the jailer.
Numerological Value, 82/
bp: spokesman for the house.
Reduction Values, 10/
y: agent; 1/a: spreads.




[ a ] . [ b ] . [ g ] . [ d ] . [ h ] . [ w ] . [ z ] . [ j ] . [ f ] . [ y ] . [ k ] . [ l ] . [ m ] . [ n ] . [ s ] . [ u ] . [ p ] . [ x ] . [ q ] . [r ] . [ c ] . [ t ]