Lattice - Porthole - Window




lattice (ashnahb)
window; hatch, porthole, skylight; peephole; to fenestrate.

Notaricon: focuses/a vision/c on what's displayed/n outside/b; location/a where the sun/c shines/n in the house/b.

Gematria, 353/gnc: wisdom's revelation process.
Numerological Value, 38/jl: role of a window.
Temurah, nbca/Eshban; anbc/Shebna.




[ a ] [ b ] [ g ] [ d ] [ h ] [ w ] [ z ] [ j ] [ f ] [ y ] [ k ] [ l ] [ m ] [ n ] [ s ] [ u ] [ p ] [ x ] [ q ] [r ] [ c ] [ t