Cruel - Savage - Relentless





cruel (akzereute)
merciless, harsh, terrible; destructive, deadly; savage, brutal, relentless; plural of/tw my/y cruelty/rzka.

Notaricon: animosity/a that undermines/k words/z of knowledge/r intentionally/y and/w unendingly/t; focused/a perversity/k that abuses/z the mind/r by inciting/y intense/w altercation/t; the force/a of pitchfork/k, sword/z, and axe/r is wielded/y intensely/w and without limits/t.

Gematria, 644/dmrt: sign of a mind troubled by divisions.
Numerological Value, 77/zu: hateful words.

See cruel/rzka; cruel/yrzka.




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