

Elath (Aylat).

Notaricon: the strength/a to implement/y guidance/l unto perpetuality/t; the ability/a to negotiate/y bendings, turns, and reversals/l with precision/t; the Life Force/a imparts/y guidance/l with specificity/t.

Gematria, 441/amt: measures the flow of concepts/principle.
Numerological Value, 45/
hm: unimpeded discernment.
Reduction Values, 81/
ap: open to ideas; 9/f: resolves.

See Eloth/twlya.




[ a ] . [ b ] . [ g ] . [ d ] . [ h ] . [ w ] . [ z ] . [ j ] . [ f ] . [ y ] . [ k ] . [ l ] . [ m ] . [ n ] . [ s ] . [ u ] . [ p ] . [ x ] . [ q ] . [r ] . [ c ] . [ t ]