Gematria 360: sc


Word Form: ncy   Value Definition: underminded/c alertness/s. See <n45>.
Oral Tradition: Jashen; to sleep, slumber; asleep, sleeping, slumbering, dormant, drowsy; to age, grow old; old, aged; a former condition.   Notaricon: the undermining/c of activity/y by exhaustion/n.
Word Form: ycn   Value Definition: to undermine/c stability/s. See <n45>.
Oral Tradition: debt; loan; feminine, womanly.   Notaricon: a loss/n that consumes/c possessions/y; the exciting/c gifts/y of femininity/n.
Word Form: nyc   Value Definition: urine/c spreads out/s. See <n45>.
Oral Tradition: urinate; to piss; urine; twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: urination/c achieves/y its purpose/n.
Word Form: ync   Value Definition: variant/c dimension/s. See <n45>.
Oral Tradition: scarket, crimson; second, double; difference, variance; dental, toothy.   Notaricon: an exciting/c display/n that entices/y; variant/c display/n presented/y; teeth/c prominently/n presented/y.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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