Gematria 16: wy


Word Form: hjba   Value Definition: to grasp/y the hook/w; to reach for/y balance/w. See <n16>.
Oral Tradition: to point, brandish; to stab, slaughter.   Notaricon: to diminish/a a form's/b prospects/j for life/h; a concept/a embraced/b for ascent/j and enlightenment/h; principle/a formulates/b a perspective/j for discrimination/h; protrusion/a utliized/b in the labor/j of distinguishments/h.
Word Form: dwha   Value Definition: blessing/y of unity/w. See <n16>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Ehud; united; sympathetic; lovely.   Notaricon: a concept/a highlighted/h, weighed/w, and examined/d; a focused/a discernment/h and an outpouring/w of emotion/d.
Word Form: yha   Value Definition: to grasp/y for bonds/w. See <n16>.
Oral Tradition: where; I will/a be/hyh.   Notaricon: I will/a proliferate/enrich/h myself/y; a widened/a search/h for purpose of acquisition/y.
Word Form: bwza   Value Definition: my/y offering/w. See <n16>.
Oral Tradition: hyssop; moss; aromatic plant.   Notaricon: growth/a whose roots/z are attached/w to the house/b; concepts/a that penetrate/z during evaluation/w of consciousness/b; focused/a preparation/z to offer/pray/w with receptivity/b.
Word Form: zja   Value Definition: to grasp/y and hold/w; to attain/y balance/w. See <n16>.
Oral Tradition: Ahaz, Achaz; possession; to grasp, take hold of; to grip, fasten, lock up.   Notaricon: concept/a of mission/j fulfilled/z; the life force/a in agreement/j with goals/z; the seed's/a covenant/j with the harvest/z; to augment/expand/a the service/j of the warrior/z.
Word Form: hya   Value Definition: to grasp/y and fix upon/w. See <n16>.
Oral Tradition: Ajah; hawk, vulture, buzzard, falcon, kite; where; her/h island/ya.   Notaricon: the ability/a to snatch/y life/h; a widening/a acquisition/y search/h; focus/a that acquires/y isolation/h.
Word Form: hwh   Value Definition: gift/y of the womb/w; to attain/y balance/w. See <n16>.
Oral Tradition: to be; to exist, constitute; being; to cause; present, existing, actual; trouble, mischief; passion; destruction, ruin.   Notaricon: the light/h funneled/w into life/h; aura/h unites with/w aura/h; life/h converging/w with the winnowing fan/h.
Word Form: ayh   Value Definition: acquisition/y of catharsis/w. See <n16>.
Oral Tradition: woe; lamentation; she, it; this is; the projection/a of woe/yh.   Notaricon: weeping/h that abandons/y ego/a; shedding/h my/y identity/a; a highlighted/h presentation/y for focus/a.
Word Form: ddj   Value Definition: active/y deliberation/w. See <n16>.
Oral Tradition: Hadad; to be sharp, keen, fierce.   Notaricon: perception/j examines/d the heart/emotions/d; labor/j to block/d a path/d.
Word Form: hay   Value Definition: a hand/y that offers/w. See <n16>.
Oral Tradition: to befit; to fit; to become; to be fair, suitable.   Notaricon: to act/y with focuseda discernment/h; the act/y of narrowing/a options/h.


Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

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