Gematria 18: j y


Word Form: hyba    Value Definition: the Hand/y of Covenant/j. See <n18>.
Oral Tradition: Abiah, Abijah; Father/ba is Yah/hy; Father/ba is a Hand/y of Light/h.   Notaricon: Force/a that develops/b the manifestation/y of life/h; the Living Principle/a within/b that brings/y enlightenment/h; the Unity/a that formulates/b the gift/y of discrimination/h; concepts/a formulated/b by the activity/y of light/h.
Word Form: yza   Value Definition: to present/y a relationship/j. See <n18>.
Oral Tradition: then.   Notaricon: a focus/a on the completed/z act/action/y; the projection/a of a goal/z to be accomplished/y.
Word Form: hb ya   Value Definition: active/y strife/j. See <n18>.
Oral Tradition: hatred; enmity, animosity; malice, dislike; antagonism.   Notaricon: an explosive/a depletion/y of the soul's/b light/h; the life force/a is deplenished/y by interiorized/b isolation/h.
Word Form: bwy   Value Definition: homage/y and repentence/j. See <n18>.
Oral Tradition: Job.   Notaricon: applied/y judgment/w upon the house/body/b; relinquishes/y attachment/w to superficialities/b while tempted/y to worship/w forms/b.


Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
