Gematria 25: hk


Word Form: awhyba   Value Definition: branchings/evidence/k of Light/h. See <n25>.
Oral Tradition: Abihu; my/y father/ba is he/awh.   Notaricon: the Life Force/a within/b that provides/y enlightened/h judgment/w of concepts/a; principle/a develops/b acquired/y illumination/h through the evaluation/w of concepts/a.
Word Form: wyja   Value Definition: tribal/k affiliation/h. See <n25>.
Oral Tradition: Abio; brotherly.   Notaricon: a life force/a in agreement/j that brings/y balance/w; a strong/a helping/j hand/y to uphold/w.
Word Form: dka   Value Definition: upheaval/k in life/h. See <n16>.
Oral Tradition: Accad; Accadia   Notaricon: explosion/a of productive/k insights/d; the ability/a to reap/take advantage of/k opportunity/d; a focus/a on perverse/k emotions/d.
Word Form: akd   Value Definition: coercive/k winnowing/h. See <n16>.
Oral Tradition: oppress; to subdue, suppress, crush, put down; dust, powder; oppressed, oppressing, crushed, crushing; contrite.   Notaricon: obstacle/d to productive/k concepts/a; to divide/d and overthrow/k via friction/a; to divide/d an amalgamation/k into motes/a.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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