Gematria 257: znr


Word Form: myrwa   Value Definition: the mind/r of the Son of Man/n is perfected/z. See <n50>.
Oral Tradition: Urim; lights, radiances, brightnesses.   Notaricon: principle/a bonds/w with thought/r to yield/y messages/m; the energy/a by which to weigh/evaluate/w the mind's/r acquisitions and gifts/y from the anointing/m; emanation/a that sustains/w the mind/r in the blessings/y of freedom/m.
Word Form: ymwra   Value Definition: mind/r that declines/n is perfection/z. See <n50>.
Oral Tradition: Edomite; thought to be a clerical error.   Notaricon: vital/a intellect/r shackled/w by reckless/m acquisitions/y; friction/a overrides/r the balancing/w of reflections/m and actions/y; life force/a threatened/r by bonds/w to superficial/m acquisitions/y.
Word Form: nwra   Value Definition: an individual/r whose purpose/n is perfection/z. See <n41>.
Oral Tradition: Ark; box, chest; closet, cupboard, wardrobe; coffin, casket.   Notaricon: an enclosure/a devoted/r to upholding/w the Son of Man/n; an introspective/a mind/r that weighs/w purposes/n.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
