Gematria 259: fnr


Word Form: qdx yn da   Value Definition: the mind's/r potential/n to resolve conflict/f. See <n70>.
Oral Tradition: Adonizedek; my/y lord/n da is righteous/just/qdx.   Notaricon: force/a within the mishkan/tent/d whose purpose/n is to instigate/y transformation/x via the heart's/d purification/q; focused/a insightsd unfold/n in actions/y that uplift/x the heart/d in holiness/q.
Word Form: mr yja   Value Definition: mental/r decline/n and breakup/f. See <n52>.
Oral Tradition: Ahiram; my/y brother/ja is eminent/proud/mr; my/y companion/ja is pride/mr.   Notaricon: concepts/a arise/j that bring/y pride/r and preference/m; concerted/a effort/j to achieve/y preeminence/r and favoritism/m.
Word Form: nrja   Value Definition: peak/r, decline/n, resolution/f. See <n45>.
Oral Tradition: last; final, ultimate, latter; following, posterior.   Notaricon: a narrowing/closing/a window/j that instigates/r decline/n.



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