Numerology Value 21: ak


Word Form: ndba    Value Definition: an evident/k loss/a. See <g57>.
Reduction = 3/g/the hoe.
Oral Tradition: destruction; perishing; foundational principles/ba are judge/nd.   Notaricon: a reduction/a in consciousness/b upon paths/d of reversal/n; an explosive/a development/b that obstructs/d potential/n; principles/a interiorized/b to open the heart/d unto the Son of Man/n.
Word Form: xba    Value Definition: extensions/k principle/a. See <g93>.
Reduction = 3/g/the hoe.
Oral Tradition: Abez; zinc--a gleaming substance.   Notaricon: principle/a formulates/b righteousness/x; renewal/a of consciousness/b as a defense/x; an initial/a state/b of success/x; the life force/a developing/b through metamorphosis/x; the strength/a to embrace/b and prevail/x.
Word Form: pga    Value Definition: branch/k of power/a. See <g84>.
Reduction = 3/g/elevation.
Oral Tradition: wing; flank; department; to flank, outflank; to shut, close, stop up; outflanked.   Notaricon: the power/a to lift/g the soul/p; an extensive/a facility/g at the side/p; the ability/power/a to swallow up/g an expression/manifestation/personality/p.
Word Form: lbwa   Value Definition: a branching/k of power/a. See <g39>.
Reduction = 3/g/conduit.
Oral Tradition: stream; creek, river, aqueduct, waterway.   Notaricon: a forceful/a outpouring/w that establishes/b a direction/l.
Word Form: nwa   Value Definition: fruit/k of the seed/a. See <g57>.
Reduction = 3/g/nourished.
Oral Tradition: On, Aven; grief, sorrow; vanity, distress; wickedness, evil, iniquity, injustice; vanity; trouble, distress; idolatry; strength, potency; wealth, substance.   Notaricon: concepts/a nurtured/w unto full potency/n; concepts/a drained/w of purpose/n; an expansion/a hidden/cradled/w in a reversal/n; to fix/a worship/w on ritual/display/n; to diminish/a judgment/w through denial/n.
Word Form: hzja   Value Definition: extensive/k area/a. See <g21>.
Reduction = 3/g/perpetuality.
Oral Tradition: possession; property, estate.   Notaricon: an area/a with borders/j completely/z defined/h; the life force/a in agreement/j with the goal/z of enlightenment/h.
Word Form: bzka   Value Definition: an overthrow/k of principle/a. See <g30>.
Reduction = 3/g/vocalization.
Oral Tradition: deceptive; failing; intermittent, fitful; disappointed; to fail, let down, disappoint; to misfire; treachery; I will become/a a liar/bzk.   Notaricon: a disorderly/a perversion/k of law/words/z within the coummunity/b; pride/a overthrows/k the agenda/z of a house/b; friction/a escalates/k to reinforce/z inertia/b.
Word Form: ddla   Value Definition: offspring/k of fervor/a. See <g21>.
Reduction = 3/g/lifted.
Oral Tradition: Eldad; God has loved; God's/la bosom/dd; mighty/la David/dwd.   Notaricon: chief/a instructor/l of the heart's/d emotions/d; the power/a to influence/l emotion/d through insight/d.
Word Form: jla   Value Definition: conspicuous/k animosity/a. See <g39>.
Reduction = 3/g/recompense.
Oral Tradition: to pollute; to infect, contaminate; infection, contamination, pollution.   Notaricon: friction/a provokes/l strife/j; disorder/a leads/l to anxiety/j; to diminish/a the role/l of covenant/j; to instigate/a a punishing/l confrontation/j.
Word Form: wna   Value Definition: tribal/k identity/a. See <g57>.
Reduction = 3/g/approachment.
Oral Tradition: Ono; we.   Notaricon: a focused/powerful/a display/n of unity/w; the human/a desire/n to bond/w; to instigate/a an enduring/n link/w.
Word Form: nhb   Value Definition: extension/k of power/a. See <g57>.
Reduction = 3/g/sprout.
Oral Tradition: thumb; big toe; Bohen.   Notaricon: body part/b with differentiated/h purpose/n; a form/b that is separated/h and capable of moving in many directions/n.
Word Form: awlb   Value Definition: fruit/k of friction/a. See <g39>.
Reduction = 3/g/castaway.
Oral Tradition: rags; old, tattered, raggy.   Notaricon: a form/b that is altered/l and/w depleted/a; a manifestation/b changed/l by heavy/w friction/a.
Word Form: hnb   Value Definition: fruit/k of a concept/a. See <g57>.
Reduction = 3/g/sprout.
Oral Tradition: build; to make, construct, establish; to form; to repair.   Notaricon: to bring form/b to a potentiality/n of Light/h.
Word Form: alj   Value Definition: overthrow/k of principle/a. See <g39>.
Reduction = 3/g/to stumble.
Oral Tradition: diseased; sick; to become ill, corrupt; to become filthy; to cause disease; to rust.   Notaricon: strife/j provokes/l conflict/a; anxiety/j leads/l to disorder/a; covenant's/j role/l is diminished/a; depression/j alters/l the ego/a.
Word Form: ab x   Value Definition: extension/k of power/a. See <g57>.
Reduction = 3/g/process.
Oral Tradition: host; to assemble, gather, congregate; to war; to serve; army, military, force, troops, soldiers. Notaricon: warriors/x gather/b to project power/a; to transform/x a household/b via principle/a; to overturn/x through developing/b concepts/a; righteous/x interiorization/b of ideas/a.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
