Numerology Value 28: jk


Word Form: lgyba    Value Definition: branchings/k that elevate/j. See <g46>.
Reduction = 1/a/expansion.
Oral Tradition: Abigal; my/y father/ba is a heap/billowing/lg.   Notaricon: Principle/a formulates/b gifts/y that elevate/g and guide/l; concepts/a interiorized/b that stimulate/y the processes/g of instruction/l.
Word Form: dwhyba   Value Definition: evident/k joy/j. See <g28>.
Reduction = 1/a/expansiveness.
Oral Tradition: Abihud; my/y father/ba is glory/dwh.   Notaricon: the Life Force/a within/b provides/y enlightened/h judgment/w through insight/d; principle/a that develops/b acquired/y illumination/h through evaluation/w of insights/d; an expanded/a consciousness/b that brings/y enlightenment/h and insights/d.
Word Form: hrba    Value Definition: extension/k for climbing/j. See <g208>.
Reduction = 1/a/expansion.
Oral Tradition: wing; feather, pinion, plumes; drake fern, eagle fern, pteris plant.   Notaricon: concepts/a developed/b by the mind/r of the enlightened/h; a powerful/a form/b capable of raising itself/r in the light/h.
Word Form: aylda   Value Definition: extension/k of covenant/j. See <g46>.
Reduction = 1/a/principle.
Oral Tradition: Adalia.   Notaricon: the focused/a insight/d of a teacher/l yields/y concepts/a; an expansive/generous/a heart/d leads/l to activities/y that expand/enlarge/a; principle/a opens the way/d to corrective/l actions/y and concepts/a.
Word Form: ymda   Value Definition: evident/k descent/j. See <g55>.
Reduction = 1/a/contraction.
Oral Tradition: Adami, Edomite.   Notaricon: the wide/a pathway/d of libertine/m activites/y; narrowed/a insight/d that uproots/destabilizes/m actions/y; explosive/a emotions/d and a free/m hand/y; powerful/a obstruction/d to anointed/m gifts/y.
Word Form: rza   Value Definition: to become productive/k in service/j. See <g28>.
Reduction = 1/a/principled.
Oral Tradition: to gird; to put on.   Notaricon: to be wrapped/a completely/z with beauty/nobility/r; principle/a suffuses/z the mind/r.
Word Form: hdyja   Value Definition: a branching/k relationship/j. See <g28>.
Reduction = 1/a/concept explosion.
Oral Tradition: riddle; enigma; difficult saying, hard sentence; I shall become/a a puzzle/hdyj; her/h uniformity/dyja.   Notaricon: a conceptual/a window/j that provides/y obscure/d light/h.
Word Form: hlya   Value Definition: productive/k asistant/j. See <g46>.
Reduction = 1/a/confidante.
Oral Tradition: hind; doe; female deer.   Notaricon: power/a to give/y direction/l in life/h; concepts/a presented/y with the guidance/l of light/h; principle/a manifests/y an elder/l having discrimination/h.
Word Form: hyla    Value Definition: to extend/k service/j. See <g46>.
Reduction = 1/a/an expansion.
Oral Tradition: Elia Elijah; unto her; lamentation; ear lobe; tail of a sheep.   Notaricon: concept/a directive/l that arranges/y the illumination/h; a life force/a guide/l that receives/y Light/h; a diminished/a role/l prompted/y by loss/h.
Word Form: nma   Value Definition: conspicuous/k agreement/j. See <g91>.
Reduction = 1/a/focus.
Oral Tradition: amen; so be it, surely, truly; faith, confidence, trust, fidelity; faithfulness, loyalty; artist, master craftsman, expert; skilled.   Notaricon: meditation/a reflects/m desire/n; principles/a mirrored/m in purpose/n; intense/a preference/m for a son of man/n; ability/a reflects/m potential/n.
Word Form: hjna   Value Definition: upheaval/k and anguish/j. See <g64>.
Reduction = 1/a/collapse.
Oral Tradition: lament; sigh, sighing, moaning.   Notaricon: a powerful/a display/n of anguished/j tears/h; manic/a prostration/n and discordant/j isolation/h.
Word Form: dwpa   Value Definition: evident/k enhancement/j. See <g91>.
Reduction = 1/a/emanation.
Oral Tradition: ephod; covering, vest; idol; girded, encircled   Notaricon: to bind/a the soul/p with adoration/w and fervor/d; to focus/a upon a fruitful/p evaluation/w of insights/d; a focus/a on personalities/p that proliferates/w obstacles/d.
Word Form: hbra   Value Definition: evident/k window/j. See <g46>.
Reduction = 1/a/expansion.
Oral Tradition: locust; grasshopper; chimney; window; exhaust vent; dormer, dove-cote; ocular orbit.   Notaricon: a force/a that overpowers/r by the consummation/b of innumerable gifts/h; the inward/a elevation/r created/b by enlightenment/h.
Word Form: zra   Value Definition: evidence/k of covenant/j. See <g46>.
Reduction = 1/a/principled.
Oral Tradition: cedar; to pack, tie, wrap; to be firm, bundled.   Notaricon: wrapped/a with grace/r and strength/z; growth/a of beauty/r and perfection/z.
Word Form: hta   Value Definition: to make evident/k a relationship/j. See <g406>.
Reduction = 1/a/to decide.
Oral Tradition: you.   Notaricon: a person/a measured/t in isolation/h; to focus/a upon a measurement/t of light/h.
Word Form: hrab   Value Definition: evidence/k of covenant/j. See <g208>.
Reduction = 1/a/an expansion.
Oral Tradition: Beerah; clarification/rab via enlightenment/h; the well/rab of enlightenment/h.   Notaricon: the formulated/b concepts/a and thoughts/r of the enlightened/h; the House/b of Principle/a arising/r in light/h.
Word Form: mlg   Value Definition: evident/k effort/j. See <g73>.
Reduction = 1/a/consolidation.
Oral Tradition: to wrap, fold; to embody; to render, perform; to interpret; larva, pupa, embryo; cocoon; shapeless, amorphous; an awkward person, boor, robot, ignoramus, clod; to be clumsy, stupid; a Golem (clay automaton).   Notaricon: a conveyance/g that troubles/m along its course/l; the camel/g and a liberal/m rod/l; the swallowing/g of liquids/m redirected/l; to facilitate/g a release/m that corrects/l.
Word Form: lmg   Value Definition: evident/k labor/j. See <g73>.
Reduction = 1/a/friction.
Oral Tradition: camel; to drive/ride a camel; to ripen, wean; to recompense, reward, requite, repay; to remunerate, reimburse; to render, do; third letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: a conveyance/g that troubles/m along its course/l; the camel/g and a liberal/m rod/l; the swallowing/g of liquids/m redirected/l; to facilitate/g a release/m that corrects/l.
Word Form: arz   Value Definition: upheaval/k in relationship/j. See <g46>.
Reduction = 1/a/constrained.
Oral Tradition: loathsome; disgusting, repulsive; loathing.   Notaricon: a wounding/z of the mind's/r principles/a; a thorough/z mental/r contraction/a.
Word Form: pk   Value Definition: extension/k for labor/j. See <g100>.
Reduction = 1/a/harvest.
Oral Tradition: cliff; rock, crag; haystack; hollow, curved; sole, palm, paw; spoon, bowl; the eleventh letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: a hollowed/k opening/facade/p; an extending/k extremity/p; leaf/k package/p.
Word Form: nam   Value Definition: to overthrow/k an agreement/j. See <g91>.
Reduction = 1/a/to decide.
Oral Tradition: to refuse; to decline, be unwilling; to repudiate; who, what, which.   Notaricon: uncategorical/m focus/a is displayed/n; swift/m decision/a to decline/backtrack/n; to invoke/m and identify/a a son of man/n.
Word Form: lgm   Value Definition: fruit/k provider/j. See <g73>.
Reduction = 1/a/harvest.
Oral Tradition: sickle, scythe; to discharge pus; to suppurate; purulent.   Notaricon: swinging/m the bent/g rod/l; a flow/m that facilitates/g corrective change/l.
Word Form: anm   Value Definition: reaping/k of effort/j. See <g91>.
Reduction = 1/a/harvest.
Oral Tradition: portion; part, lot; whence, from where.   Notaricon: reflection/m of a person's/n focus/a; invocative/m and purposeful/n focus/a.
Word Form: kp   Value Definition: hollowed out/k for use/service/j. See <g100>.
Reduction = 1/a/stability.
Oral Tradition: vial; flask, jar, bottle, jug, vessel, cruise.   Notaricon: container/p that's hollowed out/k.
Word Form: hat   Value Definition: to make evident/k a relationship/j. See <g406>.
Reduction = 1/a/to decide.
Oral Tradition: to survey;to delimit, measure out, demarcate, define; to delimit, measure out, demarcate, define; to outline.   Notaricon: to measure/t an area/a for isolation/h.
Word Form: wt   Value Definition: evidence/k of covenant/j. See <g406>.
Reduction = 1/a/projection.
Oral Tradition: sign; mark, signature; line; feature; note; the twenty-second letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: mark/t that links/w; a continuum/t is weighed/considered/w; characteristic/t reinforced/w; regenerative/t vitality/w; to measure/t and weigh/w..



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