Numerology Value 30: l


Word Form: jyfba    Value Definition: the beard/l. See <g30>.
Reduction = 3/g/process.
Oral Tradition: watermelon; pumpkin; father/ba plasters/coats/anneals/jyf..   Notaricon: an expansive/a form/b that collects/f the gifts/y of care/j; an expansive/a consciousness/b that collects/f the blessings/y of covenant/j; concepts/a added to/b the basket/f via activities/y that elevate/j.
Word Form: bwfyba    Value Definition: guidance/l. See <g30>.
Reduction = 3/g/transport.
Oral Tradition: Abitub; my/y father/ba is good/b wf.   Notaricon: an expansive/a consciousness/b providing/y integrations/f that unite/w the household/b; concepts/a interiorized/b to yield/y a resolution of opposites/f and balance/unify/w the soul/b.
Word Form: rwga   Value Definition: support/l. See <g210>.
Reduction = 3/g/transport.
Oral Tradition: Agur; accumulated, collected; hoarded, amassed; stockpiling.   Notaricon: the power/a for transit/g held/w by a king/r; extensive/a deposits/g administered/w by an authority/r.
Word Form: rpwa   Value Definition: guidance/l. See <g287>.
Reduction = 3/g/vocalization.
Oral Tradition: Ophir.   Notaricon: principles/a yield/w expressions/p of knowledge/r; concepts/a cradled/w in expressions/p of knowledge/r.
Word Form: whyja   Value Definition: staff/l. See <g30>.
Reduction = 3/g/facilitator.
Oral Tradition: Ahiah, Ahijah; brother/companion/ja of Yah/why.   Notaricon: life force/a in agreement/j with the gifts/y of enlightened/h equity/w; a strong/a helping/j hand/y in life's/h struggles/w; the Power/a behind covenant/j bestows/y enlightened/h judgment/w.
Word Form: nwfa   Value Definition: guided/l. See <g66>.
Reduction = 3/g/cord.
Oral Tradition: thread; yarn, cord; fabric; chord.   Notaricon: a compact/a amalgamation/f that is adjustable/w and flexible/n; a focus/a that resolves itself/f in a harmonious/w flourish/n.
Word Form: rfa   Value Definition: inhibition/l. See <g30>.
Reduction = 3/g/inclination.
Oral Tradition: Ater; bound, hampered; left-handed; to close, shut.   Notaricon: ability/a hampered/f by the mind/r; a concept/a reinforced/f by knowledge/r.
Word Form: pla    Value Definition: leader/l. See <g111>.
Reduction = 3/g/facilitator.
Oral Tradition: chief; head, leader, lord; master; champion; familiar, confidante, close friend; one, thousand, thousandfold; name of first letter of the alefbet; to tame, domesticate; propulsion, expansion; forward thrust; to issue forth; to condense into a point; to descend, ascend; to learn, teach, train; first letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: concepts/a that direct/l expressions/p; the life force/a guides/l expressions/p; Principle/a guides/l the soul/p; a forceful/a rod/l upon the soul/p; expansions/contractions/a provoked/l by vocalizations/p; seed/a given directive movement/l towards an opening/p.
Word Form: hyna   Value Definition: changing directions/l. See <g66>.
Reduction = 3/g/conveyance.
Oral Tradition: ship; boat, vessel, craft, liner; sorrow, mourning, lamentation.   Notaricon: a restricted area/a that moves in multiple directions/n and provides/y isolation/h; to burst forth/a in a display/n that brings/y tears/h.
Word Form: sna   Value Definition: afflicton/l. See <g111>.
Reduction = 3/g/bitterness.
Oral Tradition: to force; to compel; to violate, rape, ravish, dishonor; violation, rape; compulsion, force; rapist, terrorist.   Notaricon: to force/a one's desires/n upon those who trust/s; disruptive/a and degenerate/n demands/s.
Word Form: lpa   Value Definition: to block/l. See <g111>.
Reduction = 3/g/to entangle.
Oral Tradition: to darken; to be dark; darkness, misfortune; dark, dim, obscure; gloomy, shadowy; blackout.   Notaricon: to limit/a a soul's/p influence/l; a collapse/a that consumes/p and discourages/l; restrictions/a that disallow/p guidance/l.
Word Form: ywlb   Value Definition: alteration/l. See <g48>.
Reduction = 3/g/castoff.
Oral Tradition: ragged; old, tattered, threadbare, worn out   Notaricon: a manifestation/b changed/l by the weight/w of use/y; a form/b altered/l by heavy/w use/y.
Word Form: tj   Value Definition: an unending/t conspiracy/j. See <g408>.
Oral Tradition: Heth; terror, fear, dread; to be afraid; to gather, rake, seize.   Notaricon: a conspiracy/j that obliterates/t; gatherers/j of all things/t; means/j to an end/t.
Word Form: lwby   Value Definition: a swirling courseway/l. See <g48>.
Reduction = 3/g/conduit.
Oral Tradition: river; stream, brook, rivulet, tributary   Notaricon: a blessing/y outpoured/w for the house/b of instruction/l; gift/y for the nourishment/w and development/b of an elder/l.
Word Form: ybwl   Value Definition: elders/l. See <g48>.
Reduction = 3/g/facilitators.
Oral Tradition: Lubim.   Notaricon: an ancient/l house/b maintained/upheld/w by action/activity/y; the role/l of formulating/b evaluations/w for implementation/y.
Word Form: ywam   Value Definition: urge/l. See <g57>.
Reduction = 3/g/inclination.
Oral Tradition: desire; wish.   Notaricon: an unrestricted/m impetus/a to embrace/w or to acquire/y.
Word Form: nas   Value Definition: defense/l. See <g111>.
Reduction = 3/g/recompense.
Oral Tradition: warrior; soldier.   Notaricon: an empowered/s individual/a of purpose/n.
Word Form: alp   Value Definition: redirection/l. See <g111>.
Reduction = 3/g/beyond.
Oral Tradition: to be wonderful, marvellous, amazing; to wonder, be surprised; to be unable; to be in difficulty; to consecrate, sanctify; to make a vow; miracle, wonder, marvel; prodigy; extraordinary; wonderful deed.   Notaricon: a manifestation/p that redirects/l focus/a; to manifest/p mature/l concepts/a.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
