Numerology Value 36: wl


Word Form: mrba    Value Definition: instructor/l of Unity/w. See <g243>.
Reduction =
9/f/the assembly.
Oral Tradition: Abram, Avram; high/mr father/ba; to magnify/mr the Father/ba; lofty/exalted/mr foundational principles/ba.   Notaricon: principles/concepts/a of the house/b that govern/r the multitudes within/m; life force/a integral/b to the mind/r of the anointed/m.
Word Form: jrza   Value Definition: role/l of the embraced/w. See <g216>.
Reduction =
9/f/the assembly.
Oral Tradition: native; home-born, citizen.   Notaricon: rooted/a and established/z in knowledge/r of covenant and service/j; planted/a with a goal/z to mastery/r and ascension/j; a life force/a complete/z in honorability/r and trustworthiness/j.
Word Form: bwfyja   Value Definition: mature/l judgment/w. See <g36>.
Reduction =
9/f/resolution of conflict.
Oral Tradition: Ahitub; my/y brother/companion/ja is good/bwf.   Notaricon: a strong/a helping/j hand/y within the community/f and/w the household/b; a principled/a servant/j that provides/y integrated/f judgments/w for implementation/b.
Word Form: ybsja   Value Definition: accusative/l outpourings/w. See <g81>.
Reduction =
9/f/breaking apart.
Oral Tradition: Ahasbai; brother/ja of scaliness/ybs; companion/ja to my/y drink/wine/abs.   Notaricon: a protruding/a mass/j bristling/s with exterior/b accumulations/y.
Word Form: mlya   Value Definition: the influence/l of unity/w. See <g81>.
Reduction =
9/f/bound together.
Oral Tradition: Elim; hall, room; porch; molding.   Notaricon: an expanse/a engineered/y for a gathering/l of people/m; concepts/a that provide/y direction/l for the people/m.
Word Form: pwla   Value Definition: guide/l of Unity/w. See <g117>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: chief; head, leader, lord; master; champion; confidante, close friend.   Notaricon: concepts/a of order/l pouring forth/w the Sayings/p; the life force/a role/l of weighing and balancing/w expressions/p; Principle/a guides/l and evaluates/w souls/p; a powerful/a leader/l whose judgments/w satisfy/p.
Word Form: layla   Value Definition: mature/l judgment/w. See <g36>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Eliel; my/y God/la is God/la; myy God/la is mighty/la.   Notaricon: Principle/a directs/l the release/y of concepts/a that are mature/l; United/a Order/l grants/y the power/a to change/l.
Word Form: tma   Value Definition: encourages/l unity/w. See <g441>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: truth; faithfulness, honesty; certainty.   Notaricon: principle/a is preferred/m under all circumstances/t; principle/a invoked/m in measurement/t.
Word Form: ykna   Value Definition: pointed/l consideration/w. See <g81>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: I; perpendicular, vertical.   Notaricon: the ego/a predominates/n and is conspicuously/k presented/y; transecting path/a displayed/n with an upending/k action/y.
Word Form: cna   Value Definition: goad/l to worship/w. See <g351>.
Reduction =
9/f/breaking apart.
Oral Tradition: man; human; to be ill, sick, feeble, frail.   Notaricon: the life force/a in a son of man/n is vulnerable/c; the life force/a subsides/n unto death/c.
Word Form: nwsa   Value Definition: punishing/l judgment/w. See <g117>.
Reduction =
9/f/breaks apart.
Oral Tradition: disaster; catastrophe, calamity; trouble, accident.   Notaricon: a collapse/a of stability/s suspends/w potentialities/n; impact/a enforces/s intense/w reversals/n.
Word Form: rsa   Value Definition: corrective/l judgment/w. See <g261>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: to imprison, arrest, jail, incarcerate; to tie, bind, fetter, shackle; to harness; to forbid, prohibit, ban; to be tied, fettered, shackled; vow of abstinence, renunciation; prohibition, ban, bond.   Notaricon: to bind/a under the authorization/s of a ruler/r; to limit/a the framework/s of thought/r; sacrifice/a that relies upon/s devotion/r.
Word Form: ndpa   Value Definition: leads/l to the throne/w. See <g135>.
Reduction =
9/f/dwelling area.
Oral Tradition: palace; pavilion; a cloaking/dpa device/n.   Notaricon: an expansive/a region/p of partition/d devices/n.
Word Form: jypa   Value Definition: punishing/l judgment/w. See <g99>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Aphiah; I shall be/a covered with soot/jyp.   Notaricon: an individual/a expresses/p the cumulative results/y of discord/j.
Word Form: hyra   Value Definition: a shepherd's/l peace/w; prevention/l of peace/w. See <g216>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: gathering; herding; young lion; (biblical) crib, stable, stall, manger.   Notaricon: consolidation/a and control/r achieved/y by separation/collection/h; the power/a and control/r asserted/y by claws/h.
Word Form: lbca   Value Definition: role/l of deliberations/w. See <g333>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Ashbel; fire/ca master/lwb; I shall become/a a wake/inevitability/lbc.   Notaricon: an emanation/a of wisdom/c that develops/b maturity/l.
Word Form: dwdca   Value Definition: correcting/l balance/w. See <g315>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Asdod; those in morning; the fire/ca of pining away/dwd.   Notaricon: the bursting/a of tortured/c heart/sd in an outpouring/w of emotion/d.
Word Form: mta   Value Definition: goad/l to unity/w; rod/l of judgment/w. See <g36>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Etham; you.   Notaricon: Principle/a measures/t the multitudes/m; a scattering/a due to endless/t unruliness/m; self-awareness/a intersects/t with the people/m.
Word Form: hlwm   Value Definition: to be schooled/l in unity/w. See <g81>.
Reduction =
9/f/breaking apart.
Oral Tradition: circumcision.   Notaricon: freed/m of the yoke/w of instruction/l via enlightenment/h; released/m from a mother's/w guidance/l and encouragement/h; freed/m of the judgmental/w accusation/l of the winnowing fan/h.
Word Form: acn   Value Definition: to direct/l the team/w. See <g180>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: to carry, bear, lift, raise; to take; to transfer; to contain; to pardon, forgive; to suffer, endure; to elevate, promote, heighten; to be lofty, respected; to be carried, borne, spirited away; to be misled, enticed, deceived, deluded; to beguile, dupe, mislead, entice, seduce, deceive, delude; to claim a debt; to lend at interest.   Notaricon: a display/n is buoyed up/c via force/a; the potential/n of wisdom's/c power/a; to endure/n agitation/c unto renewal/a; reversal/n of hateful/c concepts/a; reversals/n that are destructive/c and powerful/a; designs/n with destructive/c implications/a.
Word Form: nwas   Value Definition: role/l of shackles/w. See <g117>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: boot; sandal, shoe; armor; noise, din.   Notaricon: wrapping/a that supports/s and upholds/w a man/n; wrapping/a that fortifies/s and adheres/w to a man/n; disruption/a that frays/s equilibrium/w flourishes/n.
Word Form: dps   Value Definition: negation/l of equilibrium/w. See <g144>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: mourn; lament, wail; eulogize; lamentation, mourning, wailing.   Notaricon: to bristle/s with expressions/p of the heart/d.
Word Form: pq   Value Definition: tutored/l deliberations/w. See <g180>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: ape; monkey; hole; eye of a needle; the nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: the back of the head's/q facial features/p; a drilled/q a hole/p.
Word Form: anc   Value Definition: preventing/l bonds/w. See <g351>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: hate; detest, abhor; to dislike.   Notaricon: to hate/c a son of man/n vehemently/a; to struggle/c with reversing/n concepts/a; to undermine/c the potential/n of one's self/a.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
