Numerology Value 58: jn


Word Form: kms yja   Value Definition: multifaceted/n help/j. See <g139>.
Reduction = 4/d/bridge.
Oral Tradition: Ahisamach; my/y brother/ja is a support/pillar/kms.   Notaricon: concepts/a arise/j to give/y support/s and to release/stimulate/m productivity/k.
Word Form: la tyb la   Value Definition: gain/n of perspective/j. See <g474>.
Reduction = 4/d/insight.
Oral Tradition: El-beth-el; God/la of Beth-El/la tyb; the mighty/governing/la House/Family/tyb of God/la.   Notaricon: Principle/a stimulates/l consciousnes/b by providing/y precise/t and focused/a instruction/l.
Word Form: lupla   Value Definition: purpose/n of covenant/j. See <g206>.
Reduction = 4/d/insight.
Oral Tradition: Elpaal; God's/la work/action/lup; God's/la business/lup.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a changes/l the soul/p with compassionate/u guidance/l.
Word Form: nwnyma   Value Definition: implementation/n of the ladder/j. See <g157>.
Reduction = 4/d/opportunity.
Oral Tradition: Amnon; my/y people/ma flourish/nwn; my/y people/ma decline/nwn.   Notaricon: a burgeoning/a flow/m of blessings/y augment/n and uphold/w potentiality/n; restricted/a and superficial/m activities/y deplete/n judgment/w potential/n.
Word Form: rtsa   Value Definition: desire/n to help/j. See <g661>.
Reduction = 4/d/fervor.
Oral Tradition: Esther; star; bliss; starwort, aster.   Notaricon: individual/a who demands/s cooperation/t of the king/r; humble/a trust/s in the regeneration/t of mind/r.
Word Form: atdyra   Value Definition: applied/n perspective/j. See <g616>.
Reduction = 4/d/insight.
Oral Tradition: Aridatha.   Notaricon: focused/a mind/r brings/y opportunity/d for unlimited/t growth/a.
Word Form: ynmra   Value Definition: purposed/n labor/j. See <g301>.
Reduction = 4/d/attentiveness.
Oral Tradition: Armoni.   Notaricon: force/a that rules/r the people/m by determining/n their activities/y.
Word Form: hcyca   Value Definition: display/n of affinity/j. See <g616>.
Reduction = 4/d/yoga.
Oral Tradition: wad of dried fruit; flagon, bottle, cask.   Notaricon: compacted/a by pressure/c of the hands/y: a kneading together/c of what is gathered/h.
Word Form: nwmrh   Value Definition: takes in/n chariots/j. See <g301>.
Reduction = 4/d/secret chamber.
Oral Tradition: palace; castle, harem.   Notaricon: a lighted/h elevation/r reflective/m of its administrative/w purpose/n; an isolation/h in which the ruler/r can relax/m and/w recline/n.
Word Form: mycn   Value Definition: display/n of harmony/discord/j. See <g400>.
Reduction = 4/d/triangles.
Oral Tradition: women; wives.   Notaricon: womanly/n fire/glory/c bestowed/y in multiples/m.
Word Form: mync   Value Definition: display/n of harmony/j. See <g400>.
Reduction = 4/d/bridge.
Oral Tradition: two; pair; doubled; teeth.   Notaricon: to strengthen/c a display/n by the gift/y of multiplication/m; eating/c device/n given/y in multiples/m.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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