Numerology Value 60: s


Word Form: rwcyba    Value Definition: structure/s. See <g519>.
Reduction = 6/w/balance.
Oral Tradition: Abishur; my/y father/ba is a fortification/rwc; my/y father/ba aligns/rwc.   Notaricon: Principle/a formulates/b the gift/y of strength/c conjoined with/w authority/r; concepts/a interiorized/b to provide/y wisdom/c and balance/w for the mind/r.
Word Form: twmyja   Value Definition: progression/s. See <g465>.
Reduction = 6/w/judgments.
Oral Tradition: Ahimoth; my/y companion/ja is death/twm.   Notaricon: the power/a to change/j oneself/y through release/m that administers/w regeneration/t; a powerful/a helpmate/j that brings/y freedom/m via/w renewal/t.
Word Form: rcyja   Value Definition: support/s. See <g519>.
Reduction = 6/w/unity.
Oral Tradition: Achishar; my/y companion/ja is a prince/captain/master/rc; myy brother/ja sings/rwc.   Notaricon: the life force/a celebrates/j the gifts/y and glory/c of the ruler/r; the power/ability/a of a helping/j hand/y to strengthen/c the mind/r.
Word Form: ucyla   Value Definition: trust/s. See <g411>.
Reduction = 6/w/bonds.
Oral Tradition: Elisha; my/y God/la is noble/rich/uwc; my/y God/la of supplication/uwc.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a guides/l by granting/y wisdom/c according to understanding/u.
Word Form: yntma   Value Definition: bristling/s. See <g501>.
Reduction = 6/w/convergence.
Oral Tradition: terrible; hiddeous; womb/ma of monsters/ynt.   Notaricon: forceful impetus/a resulting/m in utter/t loss/n of action/y.
Word Form: trpa   Value Definition: pillar/s. See <g681>.
Reduction = 6/w/nexus.
Oral Tradition: Ephrath.   Notaricon: the ability/a to open/p the mind/r to regeneration/t; motes/a that blow/p and sail/r to the four corners of the earth/t; seed/a that disseminates/p knowledge/r that regenerates/t.
Word Form: hrmca   Value Definition: alert/s. See <g546>.
Reduction = 6/w/fulcrum.
Oral Tradition: watch, night watch, vigil.   Notaricon: to focus/a vigilantly/c and widely/m in watchful/r examination/h.
Word Form: znpca   Value Definition: support/s. See <g438>.
Reduction = 6/w/friend.
Oral Tradition: Ashpenaz.   Notaricon: the ability/a to excite/c the soul's/p potentialities/n, unto its perfection/z.
Word Form: hlarca   Value Definition: pillar/s. See <g537>.
Reduction = 6/w/adoration.
Oral Tradition: Asarelah; right/straight/happy/rca with God/hla.   Notaricon: a focused/a and wise/c mind/r concentrating/a on instructions/l with discernment/h.
Word Form: nycn   Value Definition: overextended/s. See <g410>.
Reduction = 6/w/imbalance.
Oral Tradition: women; wives.   Notaricon: womanly/n fire/glory/c given/y proliferation/n.
Word Form: tpc   Value Definition: empowerment/s. See <g780>.
Reduction = 6/w/yoke.
Oral Tradition: to place, put, set; to ordain, establish, bring about, cause.   Notaricon: wisdom/c allows/p a measurement/t.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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