Zoba- Zobah - Swollen - To Wish

hb x



Zoba, Zobah (Tsobah, tsovah)
to swell, distend, puff up; to wish; swollen, distended, engorged.

Notaricon: an attempt/x to inhibit/b individualism/h; the defense/x of superficial/b discrimination/h; change/x in which exteriors/b are given emphasis/h; a transformation/x in which the body/flesh/b proliferates/h; to pursue/x an image/b in/of life/h.

Gematria, 97/z x: the overturn of law.
Numerological Value, 25/hk: evident proliferation.

See Aram-zobah/hbwx mra; Zoba/Zobah/ab wx, hb wx.




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