My beloved is like a roe or a young hart: behold, he stands behind our wall,..he looks forth at the windows, showing himself through the lattice.m mmmmm
mm is the name of a domain on the world-wide web; it is not an organization.
The Kingdom of Names is organized by the Breath of HaShem. Our duty is to attune our ears, as we are enabled, and to follow in its wake as best we can. To that end, this site's content has been generated and funded by the Finton family.
Because of complications following illness, new materials are not being posted. It is not for man to direct his steps.

Continuing thanks to:
Eric J. Wilkens, who penned most of the illustrations;
Michael Murphy, for sharing his approach to kabbalah;
and to Shmuel Ben Aharon-Wahli, for instruction in the Sinaitic Hebrew of Torah.
Jewish, Christian, Muslim? Really?
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Materials on this website admit of no conflict
between Jewish, Christian, and Muslim scriptures:
any perceived conflict is the fruit of inventions or of misinterpretation, compounded by iflunce of cultural traditions.
It is thus written of Babylon the Great-- of the Great Confusion-- Come out of her, my people!
May reconciliation and inward rest come to all who call upon The Name in these days of trial.



