The alphabets of Western mankind can all be located graphically on the Crown Diamond diagram of the Believers' Tree of Life. From their prototypical appearance in the Phoenician, which is also known as Paleo-Hebrew, as Sinatic Hebrew, as Proto-Canaanite, and as Ancient Arabic, the characters of the original alefbet have evolved, from age to age, in response to revelations resulting from their movements among and between peoples.
We say not that they have been transformed by those who used them, but that the changes are the result of spiritual interaction between HaShem and mankind; for no secret society of adepts conspired to enforce an orderly evolution. Having a common origin in the Tree of Life, their forms have appeared among peoples according to the will of Elohim: much as leaves, falling in one configuration in this age of thought and appearing in the next in new, but related, configurations.
In their transformations over time, therefore, we see the hand of YHWH giving new revelation of immutable Truth. In the beginning, Phonecian extreme, the alefbet spoke broadly of principles, setting forth the full spectra of the lively oracles of Elohim. In the present, Latinate manifestations, the alphabet speaks narrowly, or specifically: with focus upon those concepts instructive of the precepts of YHWH as they apply themselves to this final age of worldly dominance.
Another age is descending upon us from above: the millennial age of Messiah's government, that the words might be fulfilled, "Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on Earth, as it is in heaven." We anticipate not new configurations of the characters of the alphabet in the coming age, but rather a complete synthesis of all revelation committed to previous forms: we shall understand the Phonecian and Greek nuances in the English, both linguistically and numerically, as also the English in the Phonecian, and so forth. Further, all things that have ever been written-from the inconsequential memoranda of men to the holy scriptures, themselves-will be revealed in their geometric dimensions of meaning according to their specific situations on the Crown Diamond of the Tree of Life.
Incomparable, the wisdom of Elohim, who has hidden the Tree of Life in our daily lives from the time of the first Adam! There is but one Tree: it is our eating that distinguishes the fruit. When its revelation in our midst is complete (Gen. 3:24; Rev. 2:7; Luke 17:21), we shall find that we have eaten in Messiah of some of the twelve manner of fruits already (John 6:53); and we shall also find that those fruits to which we are accustomed will have prepared our intellectual metabolisms for those fruits which have yet to appear to our sensibilities. Truly, YHWH is an El of Order, and He has founded His troop in the Earth (Amos 9:6). What a glorious day, when we shall see Him face to face in our midst, as also face upon face within our human tabernacles! Baruch HaShem, in the name of Yahushúa!
This presentation traces the letters of the alefbet as they move from the Phonecian to the Latinate languages. Many variants have appeared on Earth during the time the various scripts have been in use, and not all variants are illustrated. Were it possible for this writer, it would yet be impractical and pointless, for example, to locate on the Crown Diamond all the various ways individuals form the English letters in this age, let alone all variants from all English periods.
As handwriting standards are both known and ignored by some writing English, so have the Ancient Greek and Phonecian standards been both known and ignored in times past. The standards exist, however; and it is by those standards that we recognize the variants, enabling the culture as a whole to read and to understand the work of many different scribes.
It is not possible to overemphasize the importance of the alphabets to spiritual understanding. The "Logos/Word" of John 1:1 is a direct reference to the alefbet, referring to the Torah's normally untranslated ta. The twenty-two characters of the Ancient Hebrew from a/alef to t/taw are pictograms of the powers of Elohim, and man is made in their image. There are now many sources on the web to pursue understanding of the book's original alphabet. Because it was shared by many peoples, I prefer to call the language Paleo.
The tables of this section fall into two categories. First is the Phonecian, which we choose to call the Ancient Hebrew because the alefbet was first given to the patriarchs and was used by the Angel of YHWH to write the Ten Sayings upon the tables of stone and by Moshe in writing the Torah. Secondly are the tables of transition, upon which are depicted the Ancient Greek, the Roman capitals, and the lowercase letters of modern scripts.
It is not within the scope of this work to set forth the synthesized interpretations of the alphabet that shall appear in the future age: the age is not quite born. It is our belief, however, that these tables will speak to those who shall succeed us upon Earth of the direction their studies of language should take.
The most significant resource for learning about the powers of the alefbet is the text of Psalm 119. Read while meditating upon the Paleo-Hebrew character designated for each verse. These are not dead letters; rather, they are oracular images of the powers of the great I AM. The five smooth stones of the Paleo-Hebrew Torah measure the lively oracles of Elohim.
Following the tables illustrating the alphabet are a few pages exploring possible approaches to various characters of the alphabets according to their situations on the Tree of Life. It is written, "every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is a householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old."
Let us not despise the new because it has yet to show the polish that comes with age; likewise, let us not forsake the old simply because new things are appearing. If old things pass, it is only because their essence fills the new (Eccl. 1:9-11). HaShem is an El of order, and He does all things well. Praise The Name that, in Him, there is no shadow of changing, and that He has endowed mutability with the potential of growing unto comprehension of immutability, unto His glory.
The Ogham Script |
Indo-Arabic Numerals |