The Name & the Blessing of Moshe |
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Without the guidance of the Master Builder, reading scripture in its original language would be a most difficult challenge. The scriptural name Abialbon suggests why this is not so. Each letter of the Ancient Hebrew alefbet is a symbol whose meanings and applications, when standing alone, are very broad. Wherever the mind turns its attention as it wrestles with the meanings of a word, each letter reflects the voice of HaShem as it speaks to the particular interior and exterior midset of the reader's soul, as pertains both to that reader's personal and social contexts and to the level of spiritual understanding the reader is capable of receiving at any given time. In reading the word-form letter combinations of Ancient Hebrew, therefore, a more focused understanding of the letters emerges; for the pairings narrow perceptions, bringing the message of the written word closer to particular ranges of concepts: only closer; for the word forms, like the letters themselves, address the mutable contexts into which they are received, both within and without. At any single reading, a word form brings messages to a reader's hearts that are targeted to the particular context of the moment. Reading scripture in its original script in the fulcrum of time would be an insupportable challenge, except for the influence of the words' immutable meanings as whispered within our hearts and minds by HaShem through the agency of Yahushua, the Projection of Yah's Salvation into created realms. These whispers gave rise to the Oral Tradition received by the priests and prophets of old. The foundational meanings of scriptural word forms understood by the prophets all answer to a single immutable influence, the Name of HaShem; for it is written that YHWH will magnify the written word according to (his) name: that HaShem will magnify Torah, making it honorable, for (his) Name's sake. Here a little and there a little therefore-- whether in the Hebrew translations of the Oral Tradition with which we are familiar, or in the vernacular translations of our native tongues, or in Ketav Levonah, the ancient letters of Light-- we must read scripture in the context of its foundation: the Name of HaShem, which projects the Salvation of Yah, its cornerstone. At any instant, the combined letters of scriptural word forms narrow temporal focus by virtue of the logic imposed by letter sequence, which moves mutable intellect towards equivalent verbal forms in the reader's secular language. The original Hebrew scriptures speak in the familiar words of the Oral Tradition, but they also murmur mysteries that reflect their ineffable cognitive imagery, as embedded in the writings of the prophets, and as whispered within the hearts and minds of readers: who, like the prophets before them, must testify to what they hear with stammering lips, using the tongues of the secular languages by which they communicate. What follows is a temporal understanding of the blessing HaShem instructed Moshe to pronounce upon the children of Yisrael, the Spiritual Nation that has been arising within our hearts and minds throughout our history and is coming nearer and clearer with each day. Moshe/Moses/hcm is the reflection of HaShem/mch-- The/h Name/mc: Moses and HaShem are mirror images of each other; for Moshe is a reflection/m of the wisdom/c that comes with enlightenment/h. The writings of Moshe are messages/m that stimulate/c discernment/h. In HaShem-- in The Name YHWH/hwhy-- two pairings are prominent: the Yod/He (hy) and the Waw/He (hw). In its structure and sequence, therefore, HaShem YHWH is an implicit statement of covenant that speaks of the gift/y of enlightenment/h and the longing/w for enlightenment/h. The giving is stated before the longing is expressed, even as it is written that HaShem answers before (his) children call.; for HaShem is the Unity comprised of the Giver/y of Life/h (Yah/hy) and the Sustainer/w of Life/h (Wah//wh). The Giver of Life and the Nourisher of Life are one Spirit, even as the joining together of man and woman comprises one flesh. All things answer to the holy name, as testified by the man Y'Shúa as he relayed the words of Yahushúa, the Projection/Son/Salvation of Yah. The yoke of Yah's salvation is easy; for (his) burden is Light. As the children of HaShem read scripture according to The Name YHWH, there is a giving/y of light/h that is coupled with an embrace/w of subsequent enlightenment/h. There is a stimulation/y of discernment/h that is coupled with/w revelations/h of scriptural meanings and applications. HaShem/The Name is the essence of the covenant made with mankind on the Mt. Sinai called Hagar and the Mt. Sinai called Y'Shúa, and the Mt. Sinai that exists within the heart and mind of every human being. The Name is a promise that YHWH does not act without counterbalancing that action. Among many other things, this means that HaShem does not judge/hy (the hand/y that holds the winnowing fan/h) without also extending mercy/hw (compassionate/w relief/h). These understandings are confirmed by the blessing Moshe was instructed to teach Aharon and (his) sons, for the benefit of the spiritual nation Am-Yisrael, the invisible Kingdom of Names/Heaven arising within our hearts and minds: YHWH/hwhy makes (his) faces to shine upon you and is gracious unto you. YHWH/hwhy lifts up (his) expressions within you and gives you peace. |