Kether: Crown, Intelligence: Thoughtlessness of the Canaanites | | The Canaanites are, literally, "those who turn the back." Children of Cain through Cham/Ham, meaning "heat," they live under the curse decreed for their good by Noach, meaning "the will to arise, to be elevated." They are servants to Yapeth (to those who are expanding, or opening unto productive growth) in the tents of Shem (in the tabernacle of the Name). As a result of Noah's curse, the rashness of their patriarch is tempered by the blessing of shame, for their good. Noah's prophecy concerning the service of Cham's progeny to Yapeth and Shem is reason for caution against judging the Canaanites uncharitably, if other caution against judgment should be thought not to apply. In their occupation of the sphere of intelligence in Adam Kadmon, it is understood that the Canaanites are unwilling to apply their minds for enlightenment: they turn their backs to it, either actively or passively. They prefer, as it were, the slavery of Mitzraim-- of iron-clad definitions, the regulated boundaries of Egypt-- to the struggle towards liberty that comes only by crossing the fearsome Sea of Reeds into an arid wilderness of questionings, with its unknowns and its apparent scarcities and hardships. The Red Sea, sometimes called the "Sea of Rods," signifies commitment to put an end to all faulty expressions through confrontation of the fleshly shell; and this, the Canaanites fear to do. Without faith in the elevating power of Elohim in their lives, the Canaanites perpetually submit themselves to the status quo. They are "sensible," according to the wisdom of the world, by the operations of an alienated spirit. | m m | | |  Chokmah: Wisdom, Vision: Foolishness of the Kenizzites | | Unwilling by nature to explore things above, the Canaanites turn their attention wholeheartedly to things below. The Kenizzite branches of the family of Cain's spiritual descendants are "hunters," literally: their vision is fixed upon the prey; and their wisdom, upon ways of attaining it. They are without compassion, capable of mourning only for themselves. | m m | | |  Binah: Understanding, Comprehension: Blindness of the Kenites | | As the Kenizzites of the land of Canaan become proficient hunters, they conceive of extending the application of their skills: they become Kenites. Ultimately, they begin to practice the arts of death upon fellow men, becoming "warriors," literally: exalting their imagined needs for survival and success into the dimensions of warfare, as for territorial supremacy. They comprehend need; they understand the cycle of supply and demand; they act. Meekness is far from their hearts. | m m | | |  Chesed: Love, Mercy: Ruthlessness of the Kadmonites | | Dividing the world into camps of "us" and "them," the Kadmonites-- literally, "ancestor worshippers," in one of the more negative constructions-- consolidate the spoil won by their brethren and begin storing it for posterity. They actively begin to covet and to target what is expedient for enriching and proliferating the temporal welfare of their families (their projections of self), whether according to lineage or to ideology. Thus, the Kadmonites begin to define and establish Gentile values that are contrary to the will of YHWH/Unity. Their minds serve their bodies, and any who suggest the body's purpose is to serve the mind are dismissed from their consideration. Hence, as their most successful dynasties and empires grow old, they crumble by force of an inner vacuum: the Kadmonites are not filled by their growing hunger for survival and its accompanying thirst for blood. | m m | | |  Din: Power, Action: Terrorism of the Hittites | | Rendered literally into English as "savages," the Hittites prosecute the wills and maintain the standards of kindred nations by the force of terror that pervades the Canaanite kingdoms, generally. In times of relative peace, when weapons of war are withdrawn into the dimension of threat against any future disruption of Canaanite priorities, the Hittite terrorism also relaxes into the realm of oratory, wherein that strange elohim of fear-- the hierophant-- becomes the demon by which they enforce their wills and proliferate their values. If mercy is seen at all in their actions, it is used only to bind their victims more securely to fear of the Canaanite peoples and their ideals, in the pitiful drama of "good cop, bad cop." | m m | | |  Tipareth: Beauty, Contemplation: Pride of the Perizzites | | These are the "proud," the "headstrong." Drawing their strength from the Kadmonites at their right hand, their minds are so full of themselves and their imagined virtues that there is little room at all in their lives for the vision of God. Their own individualities occupy their thoughts at all times: to the extent that they become incapable of conceiving that another might speak from some other context. Their vanity becomes a prison that isolates them from the potential for change that comes by honest interaction with those having differing points of view. The heart of the Perizzite is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it? Its core is hidden within a maze of unrealities. | m m | | |  Netsach: Endurance, Will: Monomania of the Rephaims | | "Rephaim" is most commonly translated as "giants," which term is accurately applied to their world view: all things, to the Rephaims, are gigantic in their implications-- so huge as to prevent any possible will for action on their parts from progressing unto active implementation. The Canaanites, in their families, have will to take only what appears, at any given moment, as the easiest course. For all their carnal belligerence and boastings-- by which appearances the Rephaims affect and maintain facades of gigantic proportions, both for themselves and for their many saviors (whether they be of flesh, of science, of politics, or of religion)-- the Rephaims are miserable creatures; and they are considerably less than men because they imagine that it is necessary to be something more. When an ordeal of testing comes, the Rephaim assumption of its demands disables their resolve to take a stand, themselves; and they run whining to whatever Egyptian staff appears likely to come to their aid, whether the spear or the wand. The Rephaims need not believe in their deliverers; it is enough that they can transfer onto them responsibility for their perils, relieving themselves of the burden. They mock the persecutions others might suffer for principle, and they are ever ready to flee from imminent injury to themselves. When uppermost, they do not know the healthful ways of peace; but as soon as they begin to falter, they sue for treaty as a prescription against pain. | m m | | |  Hod: Majesty, Intent: Exhibitionism of the Amorites | | Amorites love to have the preeminence, celebrating themselves at every opportunity in any context. Application of their wills is always with intent of preserving, serving, and furthering self. Righteousness, to the Amorite, is a matter of appearances. Ignorant of the building of principle in the inner man by the infusion of God's righteousness, they flee injury to their facades because they know that their posturing can be replicated in another time and place before another audience. The Amorites suffer only when the veneer is damaged: when the underlying filth is actually exposed, therefore, they can endure suffering no longer and begin to destroy. | m m | | |  Yesod: Foundation, Resolve: Greed of the Girgashites | | When the Girgashites are reviled, tormented, or defamed for any reason, whether justly or unjustly, they get even. They have no foundation in love; and revenge and retribution are pursued not only in the heat of a situation, but also as policy for long times afterwards-- until the record is set straight, according to Girgashite reckoning. Their name means, literally, "the despoilers"; and their underlying resolve, whether or not they must wrong another in the process, is always to enrich themselves at every opportunity by any means. If baubles should not satisfy the needs of their chronic inner pain, they do not hesitate to rob a better man of his good name or of his mortal life. | m m | | |  Malkuth: Kingdom, Fruition: Despotism of the Jebusites | | Taken as an empire of allied nations, the Canaanites perfect the dominion of their kingdom in every sphere of the inner man by the operation of the Jebusites among them. A Jebusite is, literally, "a tyrant, an abuser of authority." In their world view, there are only masters and slaves; and the Jebusites choose to be masters. To their estimation, a kingdom of equals serving each other as brethren would be anarchy, were it possible. In all things, therefore, they take up the hammer, for fear of becoming the anvil. | m | | | | | | |