Our goal in the service of the Salvation of Yah must be to lift up a higher authority than tyranny can produce. The King shouting quietly from our breasts is the only opposition we will offer their temporal rulers: the fleshly kings of Canaan will be toppled effectively by our confidence in the spiritual King. As they fall day by day, we shall then be able to supplant domineering principles with the lofty truths of Yahúwah; for the peoples' minds will have been loosened not only from enslavement by individual tyrants, but also from obsession with tyranny, itself. By such liberation, we will fulfill our vows to HaShem. When the present, near-absolute grip of the Canaanite leaders upon the minds of the people begins to fail, therefore, we shall begin to succeed; but when that time comes, we will not suffer ourselves to be seated upon the thrones our El is casting down. Rather, we will reveal to the peoples the inward throne that ought to be occupied by HaShem, inviting them to call upon His Name, that He may become their King, also. HaShem YHWH is mighty and just, and His mercy to those who seek His faces is unfailing. The first of the places you will encounter beyond Malkuth is the city of Yesod, which seems to be organized into three camps-- not rigidly, as there is plenty of movement back and forth (although under the restrictions born of fear), and as the leaders keep pretty much to themselves, enforcing their rule primarily by the fearful images of themselves that they have set up in the minds of their people. The most prevalent influences in the city, amidst its confusion, come from families of the Perizzites, the Amorites, and from the Rephaims, of whom I saw but little. Chief among Yesod's families are the Perizzites, an unctuous people. We shall have but little success among these, as they have an inordinately high opinion of themselves. They are the ones you shall find wagging their tongues, like tails, all over the place. If you involve yourselves much with them, initially, you will waste valuable time. Though the Perizzites will impose themselves at every opportunity between you and others with whom you will be dealing, insisting upon their right to assert their views of matters of which they have even yet to hear, they are essentially followers. Do not be drawn into their arguments, therefore. As we have success among others of Canaan, the better of these will be sure to follow. They would never get over being left out. In sheer numbers, I encountered more Amorites in Yesod than any other tribe. I may have seen a few of the Rephaims among the Amorites, but the two tribes are difficult to distinguish from each other. Some chance phrase overheard led to my assumption that there are more of them in Yesod than might at first appear. I believe Joshua stayed in their capital city; so I'll leave that part to him and tell you what I know about the Amorites, as my journey from Yesod took me through their borders. The Canaanites are all so much alike, really; but you know how it is: every bird has his color. Speaking of birds, the Amorites are, to all appearances, the most flighty creatures imaginable in human form. It's hard to get one to stand still long enough to get to talk to him at length. They dart here and there, dropping a few words and moving on to some other focus-only to circle back again when they're least expected or appreciated. The great weakness of the Amorites-- and this flaw is pervasive among all the Canaanites I encountered-- is their pride. Be careful not to insult their pride. It has to go, I know; but do not confront it: undermine it by the way you conduct yourselves. Your example, as you walk in the precepts of Torah Light, will make the Amorites covetous of your very carriage. Amorites seem less self centered than Perizzites, but the difference is qualitative, not categorical. Perizzites are emphatically proud, while the Amorites are only incidentally proud, and are much more sociable. However, as Amorite pride is motivationally underlying and not so easily discernible as in the Perizzites, the Amorites are easier to offend by careless, off-hand remarks-as by comparison of them with birds, for example. Be careful not to offend. The Amorites want everybody's eyes to be on them; and when people start watching you instead of them, they will imitate your walk in Torah if you have not offended them. If you offend them, however, they will hate you; and they are dangerous enemies. As they turn to follow after you, furthermore, be faithful to turn their turnings unto HaShem, giving Him the glory; for it is truly His glory in you that shall attract them. Should you allow them to attach themselves to your persons, they will devour you when the nakedness of your weaknesses shall be revealed. Be faithful shepherds. As I was talking to a group of Amorites (they are able to converse effectively in groups-- the thread of thought shifting from one to another, as though in relief of a burden) a party of Hittites came over to see what was going on. Make no mistake about these: the Hittites are the enforcers for the powers-that-be! The newcomers immediately recognized me as a stranger; and they broke up the discussion, telling the Amorites to go on about their business and ordering me to remain where I was. One of them restrained me while another went through my few things. I didn't get upset. I didn't resist. I asked the man in charge of me if he usually saw many strangers, and if he got a lot of trouble from them. He seemed rather surprised that I should ask. When nothing incriminating was found in my stuff, the others looked as though they were going to give me a good going over to see what they could find out about me. The fellow holding my arm intervened, inconspicuously, by suggesting that they should bring me to the Kenites, who knew better how to handle the likes of such as me. The rest, with dark humor that promised no good for me, agreed; and off we presently went. The Hittites do what their bosses have trained them to do. Because they have obeyed tyrannical bosses, we have reason to believe that they will also come to respond, in the overthrow, to the precepts of United Order-- if only from habit of obedience. Their obedience is sustained by an active fear that they will lose their traditional identity as enforcers of authority, should they act on their own; and this fear will work to our advantage. A man once said, "Sometimes it is necessary to go a long way out of your way, in order to be able to come back a short distance correctly." Such roundabout progress will lead to the ultimate realization that Yahúwah is the only sovereign worthy of allegiance: as shall be proclaimed by the true and faithful witness who shall come as Shepherd of Yisrael, as prophesied by Moshe. We cannot expect proper motivation, at first-- little by little, saith HaShem. The Hittites will learn our motivations as they walk in our steps. Just before they sped me away to face the dreaded Kenites, the Hittite band had one last argument among themselves about whether they should rough me up a bit, or not, to make it look good. Consequently, I had a little time to look around. I saw a few Perizzites peeping around corners to see what was happening to me. They do seem to think a lot, despite their proud exterior. If we could remove that covering of pride without utterly ruining them, we might discover, inside, the raw materials necessary for building compassion. I'm pretty sure there was a prominent Rephaim among one such furtive group; at any rate, the Perizzites held him in high regard. That's it! If they can honor another-- in whatever sense and for whatever reason-- they might also come to honor one of us! Then, they can be taught that what they admire in us is not us, but the King we serve. If they can be led into this perception, even grudgingly, they can be won! I also saw, during this lull in the action, an open building in which many different things were going on at once-- so much, in fact, that I couldn't make much of it. I asked the Hittite holding me what was happening over there. He just shrugged and answered, "Oh, you know the Kadmonites!" I still don't know much about these people, but I understand Joshua learned a great deal. He'll tell you what you need to know. I was truly worried when I was finally brought before the Kenites. These people are shrewd. Be plain with them: shrewd people have one weakness-- simplicity goes right over their heads! But here's the trick: after it has gone over their heads, it comes back around and gets all twisted up with their everyday thoughts. We can win these sons of Canaan by the action of leaven. The main difficulty in winning the Kenites will be that they seldom, if ever, act on their own initiatives. They are in constant communication with a group called the Kenizzites, sending messages rapidly back and forth in conspicuous secrecy. I never did get a chance to talk with a native Kenizzite, but I understand that they differ substantially from Jephunneh, whose mouth is ever filled with praise of Yah. Take what I say about the kindred tribe of Kenites and what Joshua says about the Kenizzites, and the mystery of their relationship will, doubtless, prove to be nothing. I do know that both families defer to the Canaanites, by reason of that tribe's patriarchal position among the nations; for when the Kenites were satisfied I was an innocuous wayfarer and could be released, they sent a last note to the Kenizzites, who evidently thought it prudent to take me before the Canaanite chieftain, to be safe. In Canaan, responsibility is a thing better passed around than shouldered. I figured this was the test! But you know what? As soon as I was ushered into the Canaanite throne room, the Big Boss got up and said merely, "Follow me." I can say, "merely," now! But at the time, I had no idea what horror was waiting! The Canaanite chieftain didn't even make further inquiry. He led me straight back to Malkuth without displaying any interest at all. When we got there, he said, "You can stay on this side if you want, but your kind gets along better over there." So here I am: whole; learning what I've learned; thinking what I think. I guess it's Joshua's turn. |