The files of the Seven Scrolls are presented on the site primarily to display their native characters which speak for themselves as artifacts of Light, ever emanating compound meanings and associations of appearing together as Words.
Within pages of the chapter sections are expositions of transferring Words into states of Becoming with an aim to assist the reader in comprehending ancient lore, underlying intentions of inscriptions. The expositions are insights into the Words rather than a translation, though corresponding ideas and words from one tongue to another are incorporated. There is not a thread of political motive in the writings nor an attempt to corroborate history of peoples or scientific arguments.
The bible is controversial and often misunderstood when it is read apart from the Original Source - YOU. The texts, as parables, record experiences to assist you to comprehend and weigh your encounters. When Names are incorporated into the texts they are addressing your origins, associates, and aspects of your Name within habitations. For example, names are states of Fire and Water by which they manifest mc. The Father of Nations-Avrehhem/Abraham is the means for a Seed to expand by which all processes/nations within the Seed become evident. The Name of Yaoqov/Jacob refers to the Father Source of your Seed to branch out into 12 stalks with the gift of Dinah to judge yourself. e.g. When you encounter the Name of RAúwaben/Reuben in the parables, the accounts are referring to use of your eyes/sight, not a historical person to record offense.
When gospels speak of the birth and lives of Christ they are bearing the good news of the birth of your Name/mc and your emergence to walk in the Light stored inside of your Root-Seed; should you miss this reality then you are following another christ and remain in darkness - within your body covering/shell that hides/conceals the Light. "Then if any man tells you, 'Look, here is the Messiah,' or, 'There,' do not believe it," for the Anointing Oil is within every SeedName to rise and illuminate your dwellings. Look at the sunflower seed; is the oil not present from the base of the stalk unto its spiraling flowers and head?
The ALhhim of Letters have chosen to make known your Name among the nations—processes of natural habitations, to attest in you the glorious riches of a mystery, which is Messiah, the Anointing Oil that is in your SEED, by which you are, appear, and become. The Oil is in your Name/mc, the hope of your glory to be revealed.
The RECORDS are Writings of Stones (from your the structure of your Body) from which Teachers of Light speak as they hear the inner stones ring-out their messages. Truly, truly, I tell you, the hour is coming and has now come when the dead (sleepers) will hear the voice of the Son of God—the VOICE of your Name speaking from within. You are the CHILD of the Fathers being referred to in the verse. Your Voice speaks from inside of your tomb to cause a stir, and those—the members inside of your body—who hear, will live/ascend from their sleep.
You do not need another to tell you what to believe, as you are already a Be-Liever, holding fast to the Temple that you enter when you accept MOTHER and come to receive from HER. e.g. Oh, Myriam/Mary Mother, full of Grace, blessed is your Archtype Womb to bear and watch over Offspring of Light that come into the world as lambs of maShayh/Moshe/Moses, ones drawn out from the waters of Egypt/Metsryim!
The bible and such writings come from the bodies of humankind where they are FIRST recorded. As harmonic thoughts rise to heart, and then to mind, they are fingered onto a tablet as a reminder of what has been already written in your stones/precious glistening organs. “For this ordering of Words which I commend you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it out of reach. It is not in the heavens, that you should say, Who will go up to the heavens for us to get it for us and make us hear it, that we may observe it? Nor is it beyond the sea (outside of the womb), that you should say, Who will cross the sea (go to prior states before your earth-body is flooded in the womb) for us to get it and make us hear it, that we may observe it (MT/Deut 30:11)? But this Word, of commendation, is very near you, in your mouths/openings and in your heart, that you may follow the Light in you.
The texts are intimately written inside of all peoples. Organizations are yet trying to define and manage that which is inside all of us, though most religions encountered are yet to convey a consciousness of these shared texts in all peoples, or else they would unify, bind together as one, and consider themselves to be the Body Temple in which all spirits reside. The sign that you are following the Light in your Name is that you love each other (Yahuchannan/Jn 13:35). Learning the lessons/situations that come to us and demonstrating love to fulfill them are targets to hit day by day, which is enough to make the journey a wonder and satisfying.