myrxm lba


Abel-mizraim (Avel-Mitzraim)
lba of Egypt/myr xm; sorrowful/lba restrictions/boundaries/myrxm.

Notaricon: limited/a awareness/b leads/l to uproar/m that upsets/x the mind/r and brings/y confusion/m; a focus/a that interiorizes/b instruction/l for the cleansing/m of discouraging/x thoughts/r accumulated/y under duress/m.

Gematria: 413/gyt: continuums resulting in birth: e.g., captivity within the womb.
Numerological Value: 89/
fp: obvious confinement.

Targum: empathy (8/j) touches adversaries (17/zy) with discouragement, regret (35/hl), disorientation, and discomfort (44/dm); it negates animosity (53/gn) with compassion and initiates (71/ao) true accord (98/jx), transforming relationships (98/jx) through warmth that intrudes upon (71/ao) indulgence in bitter (53/gn) and unwarranted emotions (44/dm) and that encourages disregard (35/hl) of impulses that are acrimonious (17/zy) and confrontational (8/j).

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