

stone (eben, ehven, oben)
gem, precious stone; a weight, plummet; to ossify, harden; to petrify, fossilize.

Notaricon: the Life Force/a within the soul/b is prominent/in display/n; a seed/a that develops/b into a Son of Man/n; principles/a of the householder/b are in full display/n; concepts/a are interiorized/b and implemented/n; a compacted/a formulation/b that endures/n.

Gematria: 53/gn: the promise of the birth process.
Numerological Value: 17/
zy: a humble warrior.

Temurah: anb/build, abn/prophesy.

Targum: a commitment (8/j) to mature differentiations (35/hl) guides discernment (35/hl) and outlook (8/j).

See Abana/hnba.

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