

youth (avrake)
young man, gentleman, student; a tender/
kr youth/ba; a gentle/kr father/ba; I shall be/a your/k son/rb; your/k arm/limb/rba; I shall/a praise/honor/krb.

Notaricon: a preliminary/a awareness/b capable of devotion/r and fruitfulness/k; I will be/a a house/b of honor/r and productivity/k; the Life Force/a within the body/b is the instigator/r of who and what you are/k; to project/a an inward/b thought/r outwardly/k.

Gematria: 223/gkr: an individual branching out in birth processes.
Numerological Value: 34/
dl: one being ushered along the path.

Targum: a determination (7/z) to branch out in life (25/hk) reflects the birth process (43/gm) operative within the soul (52/bn) and displays awareness (52/bn) that freedom is the means (43/gm) to uncover and to examine (25/hk) objectives (7/z).

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