Numerology Value 34: dl


Word Form: lfyba    Value Definition: guided/l insights/d. See <g52>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Abital; my/y father/ba is dew/lf.   Notaricon: Principle/a formulates/b gifts/y that resolve/f and guide/l; an expansion/a of soul/b that brings/y a convergence/f of redirection and change/l; a renewed/a consciouness/b that stimulates/y and invigorates/f.
Word Form: krba    Value Definition: guided/l path/d. See <g223>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: youth, young man, gentleman, student; your/k limb/arm/rba; I will/a praise/honor/krb; I will be/a your/k son/rb.   Notaricon: I will be/a a house/b of noble/r branchings/k; the force/a within consciousness/b that instigates/r its extension/k; preliminary/a form/b capable of beautiful/kingly/r doctrines/k; to project/a an interior/b thought/r outwardly/k.
Word Form: ycba    Value Definition: guidance/l for insights/d. See <g313>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Abshai; father/ba gift/yc.   Notaricon: principle/a formulates/b what wisdom/c distributes/y; life force/a integral/b to the utilization/c of attainments/y; an expanded/a consciousness/b that strengthens/c the hand/y.
Word Form: ymwda    Value Definition: instruction/l path/d. See <g61>.
Reduction =
7/z/the sword.
Oral Tradition: Edom,Edomites.   Notaricon: primary/a gateway/d that administers/w a release/m for acquisitions/y; the projected/a doorway/d unto the balancing/w of reflections/m and actions/y; life force/a base/d that nurtures/w the anointed/m manifestation/y.
Word Form: hyn da   Value Definition: guide/l of the heart/d. See <g70>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Adonijah; the lord/nda is Yah/hy.   Notaricon: force/a within the tent/d that asserts itself in many directions/n in all activities/y of life/h; focused/a insight/d whose purpose/n is to achieve/y enlightenment/h; expansive/a emotions/heart/d displayed/n as acts/y of enlightenment/h.
Word Form: mnwa   Value Definition: evasive/l access/d. See <g97>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Onam.   Notaricon: to expel/a what is garnered/w from potentiality/n without discipline/m; the life force/a poured out/w to loss/n and confusion/m; concepts/a drained/w of purpose/n due to confusion/m; scattered/a outpouring/w of a man's/n semen/m.
Word Form: rwza   Value Definition: goad/l to insight/d. See <g214>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: girdle; belt; region, zone; fetter; girded.   Notaricon: a binding/a instrument/z yoked/w with thought/r; a concept/a that completes/z the deliberations/w of the mind/r; an area/a carved out/z by the administration/w of authority/r.
Word Form: dwhyja   Value Definition: mature/l insights/d. See <g34>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Ahihud; my/y brother/ja is honorable/renown/dwh; my/y companion/ja is glory/majesty/dwh.   Notaricon: powerful/a celebration/j of the blessings/y of life/h with worshipful/w fervor/d; a strong/a helping/j hand/y in life's/h struggles/w for opportunity/d; the Power/a behind covenant/j bestows/y enlightened/h judgment/w through insights/d.
Word Form: dwbk ya   Value Definition: preventing/l access/d. See <g43>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Ichabod; where/ya is the glory/dwb k.   Notaricon: an enlarged/a ego/y that overthrows/k a household/b by intensifying/w obstacles/d; the ability/a to manipulate/y and persuade/k the house/b of worship/w via emotions/d; focused/a intervention/y that undermines/k receptivity/b and/w insight/d.
Word Form: whyla    Value Definition: shepherd/l of the heart/d. See <g61>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Elijah; Eliah, Elihu; God/la is Yah/why   Notaricon: a primary/a teacher/l to bring/y enlightenment/h and balance/w; the life force/a promptingl acquisition/y of discernment/h and judgment/w; forceful/a goad/l to the manifestation/y of enlightenment/h in deliberations/w.
Word Form: abjyla    Value Definition: shepherd/l of the heart/d. See <g52>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Eliahbah; my/y God/la is cherished/ab j; my/y God/la is secreted/ab j.   Notaricon: ardor/a spurs/l activites/y that enhance/j the interiorization/b of principle/a; the Life Force/a guides/l the hand/y in labor/j that builds/b self awareness/a.
Word Form: nwma   Value Definition: an elder's/l insight/d. See <g97>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Amon; one skilled: educator, builder, architect; trained, educated, skilled; faithful; confidence, trust, loyalty, honesty, fidelity; security, firmness; adoptive parent; ammonium.   Notaricon: ability/a reflected/m in judgment/w and implementation/n; a confidante's/a mirroring/m and reinforcment/w of desires/purposes/n.
Word Form: rma   Value Definition: to direct/l perceptions/d. See <g241>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Immer; to speak, say, tell, utter, name; to promise; to mean, intend; to think; to command; a word, utterance, saying; speech.   Notaricon: to instigate/a a release/m of thought/r; to project/a messages/m of the mind/r; to identify/a a derivation/m of thought/r; a forceful/a message/m of authority/r; a seed/a reflecting/m intelligence/r.
Word Form: qna   Value Definition: discouraged/l emotions/d. See <g151>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: to maon, sigh, cry, moan.   Notaricon: the ego's/a display/n of darkness/q.
Word Form: upa   Value Definition: cessation/l of insights/d. See <g151>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: nothingness; nothing, naught.   Notaricon: concept/a at the edge/p of comprehension/u.
Word Form: lara   Value Definition: guiding/l insight/d. See <g232>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: angel; hero.   Notaricon: emanation/a of mental/r energies/a that guides/l; an individual/a who has mastered/r the concepts/a of instruction/l.
Word Form: hjra   Value Definition: guided/l by opportunity/d. See <g214>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: caravan.   Notaricon: to enlarge/a the mind/r and mission/j in life/h; ability/a to pass through/r borders/j for distribution/collection/h.
Word Form: mra   Value Definition: prevents/l perception/d. See <g241>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Aram; Aramaea; Syria.   Notaricon: force/a that rules/r the nations/people/m; masterful/a persuasion/r of the masses/m; power/a that rules/asserts itself/r by misdirection/ambush/m.
Word Form: tyb   Value Definition: an elder's/l tent/d. See <g412>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Bajith; house, home, household; family, tribe, peers; to domesticate, tame; temple, school; receptacle; interior; within; poetic stanza, verse; second letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: building/b that provides/y for all things/t; receptacle/b for what the hand/y completes/t; a household/b capable/y of regeneration/t; inward/b activity/y is measured/t; house/b with my/y mark/identification/t.
Word Form: bty   Value Definition: the shepherd's/l tent/d. See <g412>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: dwell, settle; to give.   Notaricon: my/y location/t and household/b; to actively/y measure/t an establishment/manifestation/b; to present/y a token/t for acceptance/b; to attain/y renewal/regeneration/t of soul/consciousness/b.
Word Form: ram   Value Definition: prevents/l insight/d. See <g241>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: malignant; bitter; a light (glowing).   Notaricon: a disturbing/m projection/a of thought/r.
Word Form: arm   Value Definition: directional/l opportunity/d. See <g241>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Mara; to fly, soar, glide; to take off, skip out, rebel   Notaricon: to hurl/m the axe/r forcefully/a; unrestricted/m thoughts/r expand/a; to unfurl/m the sail/r of ego/self-awareness/a.
Word Form: nwn   Value Definition: the Shepherd's/l door/d. See <g412>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Nun; Non; fish; to shine, flourish; to sprout, spread; to be established; to degenerate, decline; decadent; symbol of the Son of Man; the fourteenth letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: potential/n unites/w with display/actualization/n; to fourish/n or/w decline/n; swift/n and capable/w of moving in many directions/n.
Word Form: hsn   Value Definition: to test/l the heart/d. See <g115>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: to try, test, tempt; to experiment, attempt; tried, examined, tested; to lift up   Notaricon: to determine/n one's steadfastness/s in life/h; concepts/n that direct/s expressions/h; to augment/n and fortify/s via enlightenment/h.
Word Form: hns   Value Definition: prevents/l access/d. See <g115>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Seneh; bramble, thorn bush.   Notaricon: a bristling/s display/n of life/h.
Word Form: ndu   Value Definition: roles/l of the heart/d. See <g124>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Eden; to refine, improve; to delight, endear; to be refined; pleasure, delicacy; paradise; time, period, era, epoch; millet; sorghum; holcus plant; hitherto, still, so far.   Notaricon: an enclosure/u with opportunity/d for every potentiality/n; discerning/u insight/d filters/reverses/n; to limit/u access/d or purpose/n; overwhelming/u emotion/d or desire/n.
Word Form: dnu   Value Definition: to direct/l attention/d. See <g124>.
Reduction =
7/z/to plan.
Oral Tradition: to bind; to wear, decorate, accessorize.   Notaricon: to surround/u a display/n with obstructions/d; to encircle/u with opportunities/n for notice/d; to limit/u movement/n or insights/d.
Word Form: anq   Value Definition: discourages/l insight/d. See <g151>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: to envy; to be jealous, zealous; to excite jelousy; to suspect infidelity; to warn one's wife; zealot, fanatic; jealous, obsessed, impassioned.   Notaricon: darkness/q predominates/n concepts/a; a draining/q depletion/n of ego/a; consecrated/q determination/n and focus/a.
Word Form: mar   Value Definition: the role/l of emotions/d. See <g241>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: buffalo; wild bull; (biblical) to rise; to be lifted up (as on the horns of a bull).   Notaricon: the beauty/r of the ox/a in the wild/m; to be elevated/r by the power/a of water/m.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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