

Abinoam (Avinaem)
y Father/ba is lovely/tender/full of grace/mun.

Notaricon: the Life Force/a within/b stimulates/y the desire/n to understand/u counsel/m; an individual/a aware/b of the blessings/y that unfold/n through comprehension/u of wisdom's attributes/m; an expanded/a consciousness/b uncovers/y the purpose/n of compassionate/u suggestions/m.

Gematria: 173/guq: blossoming comprehension within the birth process.
Numerological Value: 56/
wn: shining adoration.

Targum: a soul (2/b) touched by specific guidance (11/ay) alters views (38/jl) of the message's import (47/zm) and displays gratitude (56/wn) for a layered illumination (65/hs) that overwhelms insight (74/do) through utterances that transcend (83/gp) manifestation and that surpass (83/gp) the understandings of the heart (74/do), strengthening discernment (65/hs) and augmenting judgment (56/wn) to allow healing (47/zm) through a change of perspective (38/jl) that honors the principles (11/ay) of Creation (2/b).

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