Numerology Value 56: wn


Word Form: munyba    Value Definition: unfolding/n evaluations/w. See <g173>.
Reduction = 2/b/consciousness.
Oral Tradition: Abinoam; my/y father/ba is lovely/mun.   Notaricon: Principle/a formulates/b gifts/y that unfold/n as understanding/u of messages/m; concepts/a interiorized/b to activate/b the full potential/n of compassionate/u reflection/m.
Word Form: rzuyba   Value Definition: aid/n for evaluations/w. See <g290>.
Reduction = 2/b/consciousness.
Oral Tradition: Abiezer; my/y father/ba is a help/rzu.   Notaricon: Principle/a formulates/b gifts/y for understanding/u the purpose/z of the mind/r; concepts/a interiorized/b to achieve/y understanding/u of words/z of the master/r; an expanded/a consciousness/b provides/y comprehension/u of the goal/z of knowledge/r.
Word Form: uwcyba    Value Definition: the potential/n of unity/w. See <g389>.
Reduction = 2/b/interiorization.
Oral Tradition: Abishua; my/y father/ba implores/uwc; my/y father/ba is wealthy/uwc.   Notaricon: Principle/a formulates/b gifts/y of the Spirit/c in an outpouring/w of understanding/u; concepts/a interiorized/b to provide/y the strength/c of balanced/w understanding/u; an expansion/a of consciousness/b that brings/y wisdom/c and/w understanding/u.
Word Form: laytya   Value Definition: display/n of unity/w. See <g452>.
Reduction = 2/b/manifestation.
Oral Tradition: Ithiel; there shall be/tya God/la.   Notaricon: Principle/a shall provide/y the measurement of all things/t, actions/y, and concepts/a via instruction/l; the one/a releasing/y infinity/t shall bring/y focus/a to instruction/l.
Word Form: b yc yla   Value Definition: display/n of mercy/w. See <g353>.
Reduction = 2/b/formation.
Oral Tradition: Eliashib; my/y God/la will restore/bych.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a encourages/l my/y spirit/c to gain/regain/y awareness/b.
Word Form: munla   Value Definition: display/n of worship/w. See <g191>.
Reduction = 2/b/awareness.
Oral Tradition: Elnaam; God's/la kindness/mun; God/la is delightful/agreeable/mum.   Notaricon: the Life Force's/Principle's/a instruction/l to the sons of man/n is overwhelmingly/u refreshing/m.
Word Form: rzula   Value Definition: purposeful/n compassion/w. See <g308>.
Reduction = 2/b/embrace.
Oral Tradition: Eleazar; God/la helps/saves/rzu; God/la gives succor/rzu.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a stimulates/l understanding/u that perfects/z the mind/r; the Life Force/Principle/a leads/l with the keenness/u of a warrior/z king/r.
Word Form: mypsa   Value Definition: takes in/n and administers/w. See <g191>.
Reduction = 2/b/stores.
Oral Tradition: Asuppim; gatherers; merchants, warehousers.   Notaricon: collects/a and shelters/s the fruit/p gathered/y by the people/m.
Word Form: atpsa   Value Definition: potential/n for convergence/w. See <g542>.
Reduction = 2/b/stores.
Oral Tradition: Aspatha; storehouse: collection/psa chamber/at.   Notaricon: collects/a and shelters/s fruit/p for the preservation/t of seed/a.
Word Form: ysyra   Value Definition: mind/r open/p to principle/a. See <n38>.
Oral Tradition: Arisai.   Notaricon: a focused/a mind/r providess/y the foundation/s for blessings/y.
Word Form: hcr y   Value Definition: potentiality/n embraced/w. See <g515>.
Reduction = 2/b/interiorization.
Oral Tradition: inheritance; heritage; possession, legacy; heirloom.   Notaricon: to attain/y authority/r through wisdom/c and enlightenment/h; to acquire/y by the axe/r through destruction/c and division/h.
Word Form: larzu   Value Definition: purposeful/n deliberation/w. See <g308>.
Reduction = 2/b/interiorization.
Oral Tradition: Azriel; the help/succor/rzu of God/la; helpmate/rzu of God/la.   Notaricon: compassionate/u healing/z instigates/r growth/a in an elder/l; to ponder/u Torah/z with a mind/r focused/a on instruction/l.
Word Form: tmar   Value Definition: to spread/n and stretch/w. See <g641>.
Reduction = 2/b/habitation.
Oral Tradition: Ramoth.   Notaricon: a mountainous/r expanse/a that mirrors/m infinity/t; a mind/r expanded/a by the anointed's/m measurement/t.
Word Form: hr yc   Value Definition: purpose/n of worship/w. See <g515>.
Reduction = 2/b/formulation.
Oral Tradition: song; poetry; singing, music; caravan, convoy, column.   Notaricon: wisdom/c provides/y beauty/r for life/h; strength/c to attain/y the mountaintops/r of life/h.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
