

Abiathar (Avitar, Avyathar)
ba magnifies/rty; Father/ba is excessive/beyond sufficient/rty; Father/ba is a rein/cord/rty; my/y Father/ba roams/wanders/rt.

Notaricon: the Life Force/a formulates/b blessings/y that regenerate/t the mind/r; the Life Force/a within/b monitors/t thoughts/r; concepts/a that are interiorized/b stimulate/y renewal/t of the mind/r; an intervention/a in consciousness/b that bears the signature/t of the King/r; concepts/a take shape/b within the continuum/t of thought/r.

Gematria: 613/gyrt: limitless Intelligence blesses and elevates.
Numerological Value: 55/
hn: supplementation of discernment.

Targum: an explosion(1/a) of enthusiasm (10/y) and excitement resolves conflicts (19/fy) by altering goals (37/zl) to reflect a deluge of just (46/wm) and reliable perceptions (64/ds) which comprehend the processes (73/go) that transform an individual (91/ax) via eradication of the friction (91/ax) of shameful entanglements (73/go) that stress emotions (64/ds) unduly and (46/wm) that inhibit an intent (37/zl) to enact resolutions (19/fy) by adjusting (10/y) focus (1/a).

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[ a ] . [ b ] . [ g ] . [ d ] . [ h ] . [ w ] . [ z ] . [ j ] . [ f ] . [ y ] . [ k ] . [ l ] . [ m ] . [ n ] . [ s ] . [ u ] . [ p ] . [ x ] . [ q ] . [r ] . [ c ] . [ t ]