Gematria 613: gyrt


Word Form: rtyba    Value Definition: limitless/t authority/r blesses/y and elevates/g. See <n55>.
Oral Tradition: Abiathar; father/ba is advantageous/rty; father/ba is abundance/rty; father/ba is a cord/rty.   Notaricon: Principle/a formulates/b gifts/y to regenerate/t the mind/r; concepts/a interiorized/b to achieve/y renewal/t of thought/r; concepts/a given form/b within the continuum/t of thought/r; the force/a within/b that measures/t the mind/r.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
