

mighty (addiyr)
great, powerful; noble, majestic, glorious, splendid.

Notaricon: a humble/a heart/d in control/y of the mind/r; powerful/a emotions/d controlled/y by the intellect/r; a focus/a that is insightful/d and is presented/y with authority/r.

Gematria: 215/hyr: devoted to acquiring enlightenment.
Numerological Value: 35/
hl: guided by discernment.

Temurah: ydra/Ardites.

Targum: honor (8/j) that is apparent and (26/wk) that displays a determination (53/gn) to protect kinfolk (62/bs) from shameful hostility (71/au) that can overwhelm principles (71/au) by distressing the soul (62/bs) with negativity that fosters (53/gn) tumult and (26/wk) depression (8/j).

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