Numerology Value 35: h l


Word Form: n xba    Value Definition: an elder's/l illumination/h. See <g133>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Ibzan; zinc-like--having gleaming properties; father/ba is a thorn/n x.   Notaricon: an expansive/a interiorization/b that uplifts/x the Son of Man/n; principle/a formulates/b righteous/x displays/n; renewal/a of consciousness/b as a defense/x against reversal/n; an initial/a state/b of transformation/x actualized/n; the life force/a developing/b through a metamorphosis/x of potentials/n.
Word Form: hrwga    Value Definition: function/l of the rake/h. See <g215>.
Reduction = 8/j/provision.
Oral Tradition: mite; penny, small coin.   Notaricon: a tiny/a facilitator/g given/y as a king's/r largesse/h.
Word Form: r yda   Value Definition: guided/l by light/h. See <g215>.
Reduction = 8/j/elevating.
Oral Tradition: mighty; great, powerful; noble, majestic, glorious, splendid.   Notaricon: a principled/a heart/d controlling/y the mind/r; expansive/a emotions/d controlled/y by the mind/r; a focused/a insight/d presented/y with authority/r.
Word Form: mdmda   Value Definition: an elder's/l light/h. See <g89>.
Reduction = 8/j/celebration.
Oral Tradition: reddish; ruddy, rubicund, florid; man/mda blood/md.   Notaricon: the vital force/a in the heart's/d river/m shines/d freely/m.
Word Form: hb ylha   Value Definition: role/l of divisiveness/h. See <g53>.
Reduction = 8/j/strife.
Oral Tradition: Aholibah; my/y tent/lha is in/b her/h; ie., woman of the tent.   Notaricon: the power/a of enlightened/h roles/l blesses/y the house/b with light/h; narrowed/a illumination/h prevents/l attainment/y to the means/b of enlightenment/h; the conceptual/a brilliance/h of a teacher/l stimulates/y hearing/b in divisiveness/h.
Word Form: nnwa    Value Definition: directed/l energy/h; deflected/l light/h. See <g107>.
Reduction = 8/j/laborer.
Oral Tradition: Onan; strong, able-bodied; stout, vigorous; luminous, bright; mourner; masturbator; to display/n strength/potency/sorrow/nwa.   Notaricon: to expel/a what is garnered/w from potentiality/n to its fullest extension/n; the life force/a poured out/w to the reversal/n of potential/n; concepts/a drained/w of purpose/n due to degeneration/n; fervent/a adoration/w of the man's/n purpose/n.
Word Form: rwja   Value Definition: role/l of isolation/h. See <g215>.
Reduction = 8/j/distance.
Oral Tradition: back; backside, rear, posterior; stern; rump, buttocks; backward, behind; West, westward; delay, tardiness.   Notaricon: locale/area/a that stretches/j from the hip/w to the shoulder/r; region/a that serves/j to balance/w the mind/r; a contraction/a in perspective/j that fixates/w thought/r.
Word Form: awhyla    Value Definition: encouraging/l enlightenment/h. See <g53>.
Reduction = 8/j/the ladder.
Oral Tradition: Elihu; my/y God/la exists/is/awh.   Notaricon: a primary/a teacher/l that brings/y discernment/h and balanced/w concepts/a; the Life Force/a encourages/l acceptance/y of gifts/h that broaden/w and expand/a; forceful/a goad/l to attainmenty of enlightened/h worship/w and ardor/a.
Word Form: lyla   Value Definition: course/l to discredit/h. See <g71>.
Reduction = 8/j/discord.
Oral Tradition: vain; false, void; idol, false god.   Notaricon: concept/a that prevents/l attainment/y of maturity/l; disorder/a and reversals/l bring/y change/l.
Word Form: ylla   Value Definition: reversal/l that refines/h. See <g71>.
Reduction = 8/j/stress.
Oral Tradition: alas; woe to.   Notaricon: principle/a spurs/l a change/l in activities/y; disorder/a and reversals/l determine/l actions/y.
Word Form: cma   Value Definition: change/l in light/h. See <g341>.
Reduction = 8/j/distancing.
Oral Tradition: last night; yesterday; darkness; to darken; dark.   Notaricon: a fading/a reflection/m of wisdom/c; a closing off/a of the flow/m of wisdom/c.
Word Form: nwna   Value Definition: punishing/l isolation/h. See <g107>.
Reduction = 8/j/anguish.
Oral Tradition: sad; gloomy, doleful, mournful.   Notaricon: a focused/a pessimism/n linked/w with exhaustion/n; a contrite/a display/n of yearning/w desire/n.
Word Form: hnsa   Value Definition: enforced/l isolation/h. See <g116>.
Reduction = 8/j/strife.
Oral Tradition: Asnah; I shall become/a a bramble/thorn/hns.   Notaricon: an individual/a that bristles/s with the potentiality/n of life/h; to focus/a steadfastly/s on the desire/n for enlightenment/h; fractious/a overextension/s gains/n noteriety/h.
Word Form: hlpa   Value Definition: suppression/l of light/h. See <g116>.
Reduction = 8/j/distancing.
Oral Tradition: darkness; deep darkness, gloom; dusk.   Notaricon: to shut off/a a soul's/p influence/l in life/h; a collapse/a that consumes/p and that discourages/l enlightenment/h; limitations/a appear/p at the redirection/l of light/h.
Word Form: ppa   Value Definition: to attack/defend/l via isolation/h. See <g161>.
Reduction = 8/j/borders.
Oral Tradition: to surround, compass, encompass, encircle; double thread.   Notaricon: to wrap/a the sides/p and edges/p.
Word Form: nb xa   Value Definition: encourages/l enlightenment/h. See <g143>.
Reduction = 8/j/broadening of horizons.
Oral Tradition: Ezbon.   Notaricon: the ability/a to pursue/x and develop/b potential/n.
Word Form: ydra   Value Definition: role/l of gathering/h. See <g215>.
Reduction = 8/j/providers.
Oral Tradition: Ardites; nomads.   Notaricon: an expansive/a mind/r is the gateway/d to activities/y; principle/a rules/r the heart/d and hand/y; life force/a ruled/r by path/d acquisition/y.
Word Form: nra   Value Definition: mature/l discernment/h. See <g251>.
Reduction = 8/j/elevated.
Oral Tradition: Oren, Aran; pine tree.   Notaricon: a vigorous/a mind/r flourishes/n; focused/a thought/r is prominent/n; a growing thing/a with beauty/r and endurance/n.
Word Form: mca   Value Definition: the rod/l and the winnowing fan/h. See <g341>.
Reduction = 8/j/strife.
Oral Tradition: to be guilty; to sin, transgress; guilty, culpable, blameworthy; accused; offence, tresspass, sin; guilt, blame, fault; sin offering.   Notaricon: disorder/a, disruption/c, confusion/m; to focus/a upon spiritual/c trouble/m.
Word Form: htj   Value Definition: a prodding/l rake/h. See <g413>.
Reduction = 8/j/providers.
Oral Tradition: to gather; to rake, seize; to stir; to heap; a poker; to abhor, recoil from; fear, terror.   Notaricon: to be engaged/j in continual/t gathering/h; a conspiracy/j marked/t by thievery/h; toil/j to end/t life/h.
Word Form: acm   Value Definition: influence/l upon choices/h. See <g341>.
Reduction = 8/j/labor.
Oral Tradition: Mesha; Massa; burden, load; prophecy, utterance; carrying, bearing; tribute, present; desire, longing; debt, loan, claim.   Notaricon: a burden/m that overtaxes/suppresses/c vitality/a; messages/m of spiritual/c inspiration/a; to reflect/m upon wisdom's/c principles/a; a leaching/m of strength/c that restricts/a.
Word Form: ran   Value Definition: malice/l separates/h. See <g251>.
Reduction = 8/j/strife.
Oral Tradition: to abhor, despise, reject; to abuse; cursed.   Notaricon: gnawing/n animosity/a predominates/r; an enduring/n friction/a that severs/r; to lose/n vitality/a of the mind/r.
Word Form: hans   Value Definition: deflection/l of light/h. See <g116>.
Reduction = 8/j/fear.
Oral Tradition: Senaah; enemy; hater.   Notaricon: bristling/s denial/n of the concepts/a of enlightenment/h.
Word Form: amc   Value Definition: prevents/l discernment/h. See <g341>.
Reduction = 8/j/struggle.
Oral Tradition: Shamma; perhaps; possible; lest; doubt; name.   Notaricon: unpredictability/c reflected/m in focus/a; wisdom's/c ainointing/m for an individual/a.
Word Form: nc   Value Definition: bone/l that rakes/h. See <g350>.
Reduction = 8/j/provider.
Oral Tradition: Shen; tooth, claw; jaw, paw; tusk, ivory; peak.   Notaricon: dental/c display/n; eating/c device/n.



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