

obstruct (atam)
to close, shut; to caulk; to impregnate; a closure, stoppage; gasket, seal.

Notaricon: the ability/a to seal/staunch/f a flow/m; concepts/a impeded/f via confusion/m; an imposition/a that fortifies/f preferences/m.

Gematria Value, 50/n: reversal.
Numerological Value, 23/
gk: upheaval within a process.
Reduction Values, 5/
h: to discredit.

Temurah, afm/arrive




[ a ] . [ b ] . [ g ] . [ d ] . [ h ] . [ w ] . [ z ] . [ j ] . [ f ] . [ y ] . [ k ] . [ l ] . [ m ] . [ n ] . [ s ] . [ u ] . [ p ] . [ x ] . [ q ] . [r ] . [ c ] . [ t ]