Numerology Value 23: gk


Word Form: rba    Value Definition: extension/k conduit/g. See <g203>.
Reduction = 5/h/wingspan.
Oral Tradition: wing; pinion; limb, body part, member, organ; to fly, soar; to confer knighthood; a plumber.   Notaricon: a forceful/a form/b for elevation/r; an expansive/a awareness/b of mind/r; principle/a confers/b nobility/r.
Word Form: hmda   Value Definition: tribal/k birth canal/g. See <g50>.
Reduction = 5/h/the rake.
Oral Tradition: Admah, Adamah; ground, soil, dirt; husbandman.   Notaricon: primary/a gateway/d for the reflection/m of light/h; life force/a path/d for the waters/m of life/h; the essential/a base/d for the flow/m of enlightenment/h; I will/a open/d waterways/m with the rake/h.
Word Form: hlha   Value Definition: fruitful/k vocalizations/g. See <g41>.
Reduction = 5/h/enlightenment.
Oral Tradition: Aholah; her/h tent/lha.   Notaricon: foundational principles/a enlightened/h the roles/l in life/h; the emanation/a of Light/h for guidance/l unto enlightenment/h; the conceptual/a brilliance/h of a teacher/l that's enlightened/h.
Word Form: jwja   Value Definition: conspicuous/k entanglement/g. See <g23>.
Reduction = 5/h/animation.
Oral Tradition: brotherly; brotherly; I will be/a a thorn/jwj.   Notaricon: a powerful/a affinity/j that unites/w equals/j.
Word Form: blja    Value Definition: extension/k process/g. See <g41>.
Reduction = 5/h/proliferation.
Oral Tradition: Ahlab; companion/ja of the heart/bl; I shall become/a fat/choice/blj.   Notaricon: a close/a relationship/j that influences/l consciousness/b; the ability/a to stretch/enhance/j and change/l the body/awareness/b.
Word Form: mfa   Value Definition: upheaval/k process/g. See <g50>.
Reduction = 5/h/winnowing.
Oral Tradition: obstruct; to close, shut; to caulk; to impregnate; a closure, stoppage; gasket, seal.   Notaricon: the ability/a bind/seal/f according to preference/m; concepts/expansions/instigations/a restrained/f uncategorically/m.
Word Form: lya   Value Definition: antlered/k vehicles/g. See <g41>.
Reduction = 5/h/radiated force.
Oral Tradition: ram, lord; hart, roebuck; a chief, noble; maturity; power, might, potency; oak, post, tree; lintel.   Notaricon: power/a to give/y direction/instruction/l; concepts/a presented/y with authority/l; principle/a manifests/y an elder/l.
Word Form: yla   Value Definition: branching/k processes/g. See <g41>.
Reduction = 5/h/separations.
Oral Tradition: unless; perhaps, maybe.   Notaricon: principle/a determines/l actions/y; concepts/a guide/l activities/y.
Word Form: jna   Value Definition: tumultous/k vocalizations/g. See <g59>.
Reduction = 5/h/weeping.
Oral Tradition: to sigh, lament, moan, bemoan, mourn.   Notaricon: a powerful/a display/n of anguish/j.
Word Form: hpa   Value Definition: an evident/k process/g. See <g86>.
Reduction = 5/h/heat.
Oral Tradition: bake; to cook; to be baked.   Notaricon: expanded/a in a container/p via heat/light/h.
Word Form: bra   Value Definition: tribal/k birth canal/g. See <g203>.
Reduction = 5/h/the rake.
Oral Tradition: Arab; ambush, waylay, lurk, lie in wait; den, lair; groin; deceit.   Notaricon: to restrict/a the authority/r of a form/conscioiusness/b; to diminish/a mental/r awareness/b; the force/a of an axe/r upon a house/body/b.
Word Form: ta   Value Definition: to make evident/k by vocalizations/g. See <g401>.
Reduction = 5/h/to highlight.
Oral Tradition: you; together, with, and; shovel, spade, ploughshare; (grammar) untranslated signal of a following direct object; totality; utterly, completely.   Notaricon: focus/a that measures/t; from first/a to last/t; ability/a to mark/t.
Word Form: rab    Value Definition: productive/k crevice/g. See <g203>.
Reduction = 5/h/gathering.
Oral Tradition: Beer; well, pit, cistern; to explain, clarify, elucidate, make clear/plain.   Notaricon: a house/b for the principles/a of knowledge/r; to develop/b and expand/a thought/r; a receptacle/b for the strength/a of the mountain/r.
Word Form: arb    Value Definition: extension/k processes/g. See <g203>.
Reduction = 5/h/proliferation.
Oral Tradition: create; form, shape, make, produce; cut down, fell, deforest; son; external.   Notaricon: to develop/b the individual/r according to principle/a; a form/b under the axe/r to its diminishment/a; the body/b instigated/r by the Life Force/a.
Word Form: afm   Value Definition: simplification/k process/g. See <g50>.
Reduction = 5/h/winnowing.
Oral Tradition: arrive; to happen; I shall/a fall/fm; from/m a wizard/magician/fa.   Notaricon: the release/m of integrated/f concepts/a; a swift/m resolution/f through an instigation/a.
Word Form: hap   Value Definition: upending/k vocalizations/g. See <g86>.
Reduction = 5/h/divisiveness.
Oral Tradition: blow; to puff; to scatter; to destroy, end; to direct; edge, corner, extremity; side, border, facet, region; lock of hair, sideburn; face   Notaricon: the mouth's/p power/a to separate/h; a region/p in focus/a with delineation/h; the facial features/p identified/a in the light/h.
Word Form: wp   Value Definition: the branch/k approached/g. See <g86>.
Reduction = 5/h/delineation.
Oral Tradition: here; this place; hence.   Notaricon: the area/p embraced/w; the region/p stipulated/fixed upon/w.
Word Form: at   Value Definition: covering/k facilitator/g. See <g401>.
Reduction = 5/h/separator.
Oral Tradition: chamber; room, cell, compartment, box; cubicle, office; come.   Notaricon: a measured/t location/a; cooperative/t bonding/a.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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