

mite (agorah)
penny, small coin.

Notaricon: a tiny/a deposit/g valued/w at the king's/r discretion/h.

Gematria: 215/hyr: the king takes and distributes.
Numerological Value: 35/
hl: redistribution of wealth.

Targum: an exchange (8/j) that benefits organization (17/zy) by simplifying evaluation (26/wk) of routine transactions (53/gn) through a reliable implementation (62/bs) of obvious principles (71/ao) that satisfy an individual's (71/ao) trust and acceptance (62/bs) of pre-determined remunerations (53/gn) that are evident and fixed (26/wk) and that achieve closure (17/zy) and agreement (8/j).

See hoarded/r wga.

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