

circumstance (odoth)
cause, occasion; the turning of events; firebrands.

Notaricon: the Life Force/a joins itself/w with opportunity/d to negotiate/w an end result/t; power/a and/w opportunity/d join/w forces/t.

Gematria, 417/z yt: a continuum reaches conclusion.
Numerological Value, 39/
fl: roles combine forces.
Reduction Values, 57/
zn: to show a result; 12/by: active implementation; 3/g: an unfolding.

See firebrand/dwa; circumstance/twda.




[ a ] . [ b ] . [ g ] . [ d ] . [ h ] . [ w ] . [ z ] . [ j ] . [ f ] . [ y ] . [ k ] . [ l ] . [ m ] . [ n ] . [ s ] . [ u ] . [ p ] . [ x ] . [ q ] . [r ] . [ c ] . [ t ]