Numerology Value 39: fl


Word Form: lamyba    Value Definition: Order/l resolves/f. See <g84>.
Reduction = 3/g/transport process.
Oral Tradition: Abimael; my/y father/ba is from/m God/la.   Notaricon: an expansive/a consciousness/b activated/y by the anointing/m of United/a Order/l; the Life Force/a develops/b the gift/y of reflected/m principles/a in life's roles/l.
Word Form: mylga    Value Definition: prompting/l resolurtion/f. See <g94>.
Reduction = 3/g/transport process.
Oral Tradition: Elgaim; droplets.   Notaricon: tiny/a agents/g for changes/l accomplished/y by water/m; miniscule/a vehicles/g for instruction/l that brings/y satisfaction/m.
Word Form: twdwa   Value Definition: goad/l to resolution/f. See <g84>.
Reduction = 3/g/movement.
Oral Tradition: circumstance; cause, occasion; the turning of events; firebrands.   Notaricon: the life force/a joins itself/w with opportunity/d to negotiate/w an end result/t; power/a and/w opportunity/d join/w forces/t.
Word Form: bdn yja   Value Definition: mature/l integrations/f. See <g75>.
Reduction = 3/g/reaching beyond.
Oral Tradition: Aminadab; my/y brother/ja donates/volunteers/bdn.   Notaricon: concepts/a arise/j to achieve/y the potential/n of insights/d retained/b; life force/a committed/j to achieve/y purpose/n through investigation/d of consciousness/b.
Word Form: hmlja   Value Definition: a fluctuation/l that is held together/f. See <g84>.
Reduction = 3/g/conduit.
Oral Tradition: amethyst; dreamstone; I will become/a her/h dream/mlj.   Notaricon: a compacted/a mass/j whose role/function/l is the reflection/m of light/h.
Word Form: yrja   Value Definition: the roles/l of resolution/f. See <g219>.
Reduction = 3/g/process.
Oral Tradition: after, behind; my/y follow through/rja; to carry forward, take further; afterwards; another, other; different, strange; second; to procrastinate, defer; to loiter, overstay; to delay, detain.   Notaricon: to conceive/a the mission/j of the mind's/r gifts/y; the expansion/a of effort/j required for mental/r activity/y; a contraction/a in perspective/j dominating thought/r and actions/y; focus/a that helps/j the mind/r take hold/y.
Word Form: rzka   Value Definition: to goad/l a target/f. See <g228>.
Reduction = 3/g/recompense.
Oral Tradition: cruel; merciless, harsh, terrible; destructive, deadly; savage, brutal, relentless.   Notaricon: animosity/a that undermines/k words/z of knowledge/r; focused/a perversity/k that abuses/z the mind/r; the disorder/a of pitchfork/k, sword/z, and axe/r.
Word Form: hlyka   Value Definition: guide/l to resolution/f. See <g66>.
Reduction = 3/g/process.
Oral Tradition: eating.   Notaricon: concepts/a branch forth/k to serve/y as guides/l to enlightenment/h; the strength/a from fruitful/k activities/y that encourage/l discernment/h; principles/a and doctrines/k provided/y by an elder/l in life/h.
Word Form: hnwma   Value Definition: mature/l reliance/f. See <g102>.
Reduction = 3/g/inclination.
Oral Tradition: trust; confidence; conscientiousness, honesty; religion, faith, doctrine, belief, creed.   Notaricon: a focused/a flow/m of adoration/w that displays/n discernment/h; concepts/a chosen/m to uphold/w purposeful/n life/h; principles/a overflow/m in worship/w to be displayed/n in life/h.
Word Form: hrma   Value Definition: linguistic/l exchange/f. See <g246>.
Reduction = 3/g/vocalization.
Oral Tradition: speech; word, utterance, saying; motto; watchword; enunciation, statement; hem, fringe, selvage, bolster; border, edge.   Notaricon: a concept/a drawn from/m thought/r is isolated/highlighted/h; concepts/a flowing from/m thought/r are captured/h; to focus/a upon a derivation/m of thought/r for examination/h; a forceful/a message/m of authority/r given emphasis/h; a seed/a reflecting/m intelligent/r discrimination/h; to bind/a loose/m components/r in rows/h.
Word Form: n yna   Value Definition: inhibition/l and restraint/f. See <g111>.
Reduction = 3/g/inclination.
Oral Tradition: delicate; sensitive, refined.   Notaricon: an individual/a displaying/n stamina/y depletion/n; vitality/a loss/n robs/y potential/n.
Word Form: hqna   Value Definition: discourages/l resolution/f. See <g156>.
Reduction = 3/g/bitterness.
Oral Tradition: groan; cry, moan.   Notaricon: the ego's/a display/n of dark/q isolation/h.
Word Form: hupa   Value Definition: strikes/l from concealment/f. See <g156>.
Reduction = 3/g/conduit.
Oral Tradition: viper; adder, asp, baselisk, rattlesnake.   Notaricon: a startling/a hiss/p that overwhelms/u instantaneously/h.
Word Form: r xa   Value Definition: role/l of the basket/f. See <g291>.
Reduction = 3/g/depositor.
Oral Tradition: Ezer; to collect, accumulate, store, treasure, hoard.   Notaricon: a focused/a pursuit/x of domination/r; the mania/a of an accomplished/x overseer/r.
Word Form: ubra   Value Definition: role/l of quadrants/f. See <g273>.
Reduction = 3/g/angle.
Oral Tradition: Arba; four; I shall become/a sprawled out/ubr.   Notaricon: calculating/a observation/r of a building's/b boundaries/u; ability/a to master/r the flesh/b through understanding/u.
Word Form: hbkra   Value Definition: knee/l segmentation/f. See <g228>.
Reduction = 3/g/flexibility.
Oral Tradition: knee; knee joint, shank; crank handle.   Notaricon: area/a determining/r the flexibility/k of the body's/b limbs/h.
Word Form: xra   Value Definition: influence/l of community/f. See <g291>.
Reduction = 3/g/birth process.
Oral Tradition: earth, land, country, territory; ground, soil.   Notaricon: locale/a ruled/r by justice/x; space/area/a for individual/r sacrifice/metamorphosis/x; impetus/a for mental/r transformation/x.
Word Form: pca   Value Definition: schooled/l in spells/f. See <g381>.
Reduction = 3/g/procedures.
Oral Tradition: magician, conjurer, wizard, socerer, enchanter; bat.   Notaricon: the ability/a to disrupt/c appearances/p; to exploit/a wisdom's/c utterances/p.
Word Form: arub   Value Definition: rejects/l resolutionss/f. See <g273>.
Reduction = 3/g/entangled.
Oral Tradition: Baara; brutish.   Notaricon: superficial/b understandings/u dominate/r concepts/a.
Word Form: smk   Value Definition: role/l of a basket/f. See <g120>.
Reduction = 3/g/deep crevice.
Oral Tradition: conceal; to hide; to store, lay up; a store room, cellar, dungeon.   Notaricon: an evident/k reflection/m of need for security/stability/s; branching/k from/m fortification/s; produce/k off-loaded/emptied-out/m dependably/s.
Word Form: msk   Value Definition: change/l of pattern/f. See <g120>.
Reduction = 3/g/sprouts.
Oral Tradition: shear; to cut, clip, trim hair.   Notaricon: to restructure/k hair/bristles/s freely/m.
Word Form: hram   Value Definition: pointing the finger/l at a target/f. See <g246>.
Reduction = 3/g/vocalization.
Oral Tradition: curse; imprecation, malediction, execration: releasing/m a bitter curse/rra; (biblical) a light: releasing/m luminosity/hrwa.   Notaricon: to release/m explosive/a thoughts/r that isolate/h; unrestricted/m animosity/a becomes foremost/r in life/h; the flow/m of concepts/a from the mind ruled/r by light/h.
Word Form: rwm   Value Definition: change/l that resolves/f. See <g246>.
Reduction = 3/g/process.
Oral Tradition: to change; to exchange, convert.   Notaricon: to loosen/m and/w sever/r; to unlock/m the shackles/w of the mind/r.
Word Form: skm   Value Definition: a change/l within the basket/f. See <g120>.
Reduction = 3/g/rendering a disbursal.
Oral Tradition: tribute; customs, levy, tax, duty, toll; to pay fee.   Notaricon: to release/m the productivity/k required/demanded/s.
Word Form: ksm   Value Definition: change/l in dynamics/f. See <g120>.
Reduction = 3/g/tangling.
Oral Tradition: mingle; to mix, blend; to pour, dispense; curtain, wall hanging; to screen; lampshade.   Notaricon: fluid/m spreading out/s in branching directions/k; to impose confusion/m on a structure/s by restructuring/k.
Word Form: harm   Value Definition: guide/l to truth/f. See <g246>.
Reduction = 3/g/beyond.
Oral Tradition: vision; revelation; appearance, sight, view; seeing; mirror; shown, exhibited, displayed.   Notaricon: a reflection/m of knowledge/r projected/a as light/h; released/m for prominent/r scrutiny/a and examination/h.
Word Form: kms   Value Definition: defence/l and safety/f. See <g120>.
Reduction = 3/g/facilitator.
Oral Tradition: rely; to trust; to support, encourage, aid, assist; to draw near; to graduate; to lean upon; to approach, approximate; a support, fulcrum; a reference; the fifteenth letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: support/s for the troubled/m and the overthrown/k; trusting/s the people/m of the tribe/k; a bulwark/s facilitating/m productivity/k.
Word Form: hndu   Value Definition: to encourage/l fertilization/f. See <g129>.
Reduction = 3/g/birth process.
Oral Tradition: Adnah; pleasure; rejuvenation; menstruation.   Notaricon: overwhelming/u emotion/d or desire/n radiates/h; the egg's/u pathway/d and purpose/n in life/h.
Word Form: hanq   Value Definition: prevents/l integration/f. See <g156>.
Reduction = 3/g/to stumble.
 Oral Tradition: envy; jealousy; fanaticism, obsession; rancour, resentment, ill-feeling; zeal, ardor; anger; passion.   Notaricon: darkness/q predominates/n focus/a and discernment/h; consecrated/q determination/n and focus/a in life/h.
Word Form: hmar   Value Definition: to prompt/l scrutinization/f. See <g246>.
Reduction = 3/g/heap.
Oral Tradition: coral; a thing lifted up or arising from the depths.   Notaricon: to raise/elevate/r an item/concept/a for unfettered/m examination/h.
Word Form: a xr   Value Definition: to attack/l a target/f. See <g291>.
Reduction = 3/g/to take steps.
Oral Tradition: to pierce, bore; to run.   Notaricon: to signal/r change/x with a thorn/a; to begin/r pursuit/x explosively/a.
Word Form: mwr   Value Definition: inhibiton/l to obedience/f. See <g246>.
Reduction = 3/g/descent.
Oral Tradition: to rise; to be elevated; to exalt, extol; to be prideful, haughty; pride, haughtiness; height, level, elevation; vertex, altitude; rum.   Notaricon: an arising/r to hover/w with abandon/m; mental/r equilibrium/w lost/m; a leader/r is praised/w unreservedly/m.
Word Form: pac   Value Definition: directed/l to a specific location/f. See <g381>.
Reduction = 3/g/procedures.
Oral Tradition: to inhale, breathe, suck air; to aspire, yearn; to strive after, long for; to be eager.   Notaricon: to utilize/c the bellows/a of the mouth/p.
Word Form: ubc   Value Definition: corrective/l resolution/f. See <g372>.
Reduction = 3/g/transported.
Oral Tradition: Sheba; to be satisfied, satiated, sated; to be content; to quench thirst; to receive enough, be filled, have abundance; to satiate, content, satisfy; contented, replete, full, satisfied, satiated, pleased; satisfaction, abundance, plenty, repletion, surfeit, plenty fullness; seven; to perform seven times; to multiply by seven.   Notaricon: wisdom's/c formulates/b understanding/u; strength/c to interiorize/b understandings/u; to glow/c with physical/b satisfaction/u.
Word Form: tjc    Value Definition: corrective/l resolution/f. See <g708>.
Reduction = 3/g/process.
Oral Tradition: destruction; grave, pitfall; hay; ruin, corruption.   Notaricon: wisdom's/c provision/j for recycling/t; disruption/c of relationships/j unto renewal/t.
Word Form: cjt    Value Definition: instructive/l interchange/f. See <g708>.
Reduction = 3/g/divers.
Oral Tradition: Tachash; badger; dolphin, seal, sea lion.   Notaricon: measurement/t of multifaceted/j strengths/c.



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